For an upcoming project I need a variable clock source: up to 50MHz and as low as 10KHz. So I looked up VXCOs, PLLs, DDSs, etc etc. all not quite what I wanted.
And then I found this, the LTC6903, 1KHz-68MHz SPI (or I2C) programmable oscillator, 8 pins, <0.5% error, no crystal (?!). Theres also a resistor-controlled family (LT1933 in SOT23-5). This is the coolest thing ever!
Check out this kinky "typical app"
As Javaman says, “its like a monk that can control his own heartrate”
Congrats LTC690x, you are the Chip of the Week!
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Python for Microcontrollers – Adafruit Daily — Python on Microcontrollers Newsletter: A New Arduino MicroPython Package Manager, How-Tos and Much More! #CircuitPython #Python #micropython @ThePSF @Raspberry_Pi
EYE on NPI – Adafruit Daily — EYE on NPI Maxim’s Himalaya uSLIC Step-Down Power Module #EyeOnNPI @maximintegrated @digikey
What for code (Bascom or basic) would I need to run this dude? I’m building a pc board right now to run this oscillator with a Mega48 AVR.
Well I tried and failed with this using different parts………..any suggestions are very welcome
// Arduino using DDS60/AD9851 with 30MHz Osc clock ~ Bare Bones Test 16
// For AD9851 array values see
// For AD9851 datasheet see
// For DDS60 see
// For Arduino see
// by Mike Bowthorpe
byte DATA = 10; //DATA on pin 10/3
byte CLOCK = 9; //CLOCK on pin 9/2
byte LOAD = 8; //LOAD on pin 8/1
byte pin13 = 13;
void setup()
pinMode (DATA, OUTPUT); // sets pin 10 as OUPUT
pinMode (CLOCK, OUTPUT); // sets pin 9 as OUTPUT
pinMode (LOAD, OUTPUT); // sets pin 8 as OUTPUT
pinMode (pin13, OUTPUT);
void loop()
shiftOut(DATA,CLOCK,LSBFIRST,(0,119,250,137,230)); // 5 values W0, W1, W2, W3, W4 to give 14.06000 MHz with 30MHz Osc
digitalWrite (LOAD, HIGH); // Turn on pin 8/1 LOAD FQ-UD
digitalWrite (LOAD, LOW); // Turn pin 8 off