.: oomlout : made a breadboard based Arduino compatible (BBAC) micro-controller…
While work continues full steam ahead at .:oomlout:. HQ last week we reached a point where all of our pre-existing projects were on hold. We were either waiting on packages to arrive or searching for the much more elusive delivery of inspiration. To deal with this we, of course, started a new project.
What is it?
Its a Breadboard Based Arduino Compatible (BBAC). Using a breadboard, layout sheet and pile of components you can have yourself a fun time putting it together (as simple as popping in each component), and when your finished have a completely functional Arduino Compatible board for experimenting with. (a photo with all the parts explained )
It may have come about as a tool of procrastination, but now finished it has loads of great uses (here are some we thought up).
- The simple layout makes understanding (or explaining) how a micro-controller works easy.
- Comes with loads of wire and a breadboard so you can start experimenting without the need for purchasing additional components.
- Great for educational settings. (inexpensive enough that you can send everyone home with one at the end).
- No need to solder (soldering is good fun but does present a slight barrier).
- Great for permanent installations (prototype on a USB board then throw one of these into the final version)