Adafruit business cards – Laser cut SPIROGRAPH cards!

Here’s a video (m4v) about our new business cards, we’ll have these at Maker Faire this year! They’re laser cut “SPIROGRAPH” (hypotrochoid) cards, pop out the gears and you make your own designs!

To cut your own cards out, grab the files at Thingiverse


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  1. I am officially jealous of those that can make it to Maker Faire and get one of these.

  2. Good day,
    As you have very generously shared your files so that those of us with Epilog, or other lasers can play with this – Could you also share with us the laser settings you’re working with? (power/speed/wattage your running) – The instructions thus far posted simply say to cut with the laser using 1/4″ stock.. A bit more info on that step would be wonderful.


  3. oooooooooo! These are the coolest business cards i’ve ever seen!!! 😀
    (they’re just a litte “thin” on the contact info ;))


  4. Although i find the idea to be awesome, i would have included less gears : It’s a business card with a concept you’re “selling” not an actual spirograph…

    I think that if you stick with the best combination of gear/design, you will have more space on the card to add some text/url/post address/motive/…

    And the design obtained by using your card should be your Logo/Brand sign, or a part of your visual identity.
    This way, the people you give the card will appropriate a bit of your identity by designing the logo on their own with their pen… And identity, that’s what it’s all about.
    Congrats anyway, i would love to meet you and receive such a card 😉

  5. Andrew Bachman

    Man, I wish I could attend to get one of these. Hopefully we can purchase them online afterwards.

  6. @Mike Each laser cutter is going to be a little different. If you have an epilog, simply look up the cutting settings in your manual. If you dont, you’ll have to experiment. But since acrylic is the most popular material to cut it shouldnt be too hard

    Also, you want 1/16″ acrylic

  7. @Xavier If you make your own, its e-z to remove a gear for more space. Personally I like gears, and I dont want every one on youtube calling my phone, eh? 🙂

  8. Somewhere at home I have a drawing set where you’d line up the inner disk with mark #1, trace some squiggly grooves, line up with #2, trace other lines, etc. to get a picture of Bugs Bunny. Something like that could be used on your card to produce your company logo. (Or a self-portrait, or a secret message….) Or, for simplicity, you could just line up each of the four edges of the whole card in turn with a mark on the paper, so there wouldn’t be any loose pieces to lose.

    Another idea: laser-cut inner parts which could be assembled into a business card stand/dispenser – with your name and logo visible on the back where the user would see them all day long.

  9. Awesome!
    I cant wait to see them this weekend.

  10. Is that a wolf on your shirt? Awesome.

  11. Hummm… I would love to get one of that cards too. Is there any chance they could be bought at the store after the faire? Perhaps we could bribe you with a postcard or two? 😉

  12. That is made of awesome. Unbelievably freaking cool idea.

  13. Extremely awesome! I give you 9 of 10 for rating of great idea you had there! It’s really good, really inspiring me to create one such better for just a business card, mine got shape like a chewing gum, it’s already massive anyone whom I gave my card but your card might could make them faint few minutes after I demonstrate how to make it useful. Good idea, really impress me that much. You only lack space for info on the name card, give more space for your contact info or else, then your rating will be 10 of 10. Cool!

  14. Excellent idea – and they are certainly going to make an impact on the people you give them to.

    Another idea I wish I’d had myself 😉

  15. Very cool. I think even better than the Woz card.

  16. Wish there was something like Maker Faire near detroit. We really need things to give the area a kickstart.

  17. Awesome business card! Let me get a pen and paper so I can write down your office number and email addy.

  18. so creative!!

  19. thorkell mani

    i would buy this if you would put it in your store

  20. Who is going to design the gear that draws the ADAFruit flower?
    Sorry, Is it a flower or a X-Section of a star fruit?

  21. That is so cool!!

  22. can you buy a spirograph business card or have them made…they are such a ME thing!

  23. How much would 1 business card cost?

  24. Awesome Card! Seriously one of the most original cards ever!

  25. That is so cool!!

  26. This is just brilliant! We linked to this on our website. What a perfect idea. Love it.

  27. This is awesome. *PLEASE* make them available for sale!!!

  28. Anazing!!!!

  29. SO AWESOME! I just found your site via Neatorama. No chance one of these is still hanging around is there? I am planning to make a spirograph for the router cup attachment for my dremel. I wish I could laser cut the gears like you do, Im going to have to use MDF and a jig saw.

  30. Monique Leigh

    Very cool! Discovered due to

    I’m curious, though. Can the gears be popped back into place so the card can be carried about? Because that would be lovely! If so, have the info printed as normally across the card & just put it back together to read after creating designs. 🙂

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