DIY Air quality monitoring

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Outstanding project using our GPS shield, MintyBoost and Arduino! DIY Air quality monitoring Brent writes…

Air Quality Monitoring – Recently I had a discussion with someone from the South Riverdale Community Health Centre on Air Quality monitoring in Ontario (AQI). I learned a number of things, there are only 40 Air Quality Monitors in Ontario and they test for six key indexes. Toronto runs a slightly different test, the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) which is a pilot programme and reports on how the Air Quality will affect your health. The AQHI test for three key indicators. Detecting three indexes sounds pretty reasonable.

Mobile Air Quality MonitorBy building my own Air Quality project I hope to be able to reproduce the AQHI results at a fraction of the price and provide instruction to enable anyone across the province a chance to build their own.

To the left is a photo of the final (but always in a state of flux) result. It is a GPS enabled device powered by two AA’s which senses Air Quality and Ozone. I am currently running tests in a variety of ways. This is a more complex setup than it has to be. Below I’ll detail both a simple setup and a complex setup.

Simple Air Quality Monitor:

  • USB-Serial Connection (~$15)
  • Air Quality Sensor & Ozone Sensor ($6 each)
  • 2 Resistors ($.15 – I’m using a 15k Ohm)

Connect the sensors as illustrated on the website. Attach to a computer and upload the data to a provider such as Pachube to share with the world. (Need an invite? Message me.)

Mobile Air Quality Monitor:

  • Arduino (~$45)
  • GPS Sheild ($16)
  • GPS ($60)
  • SD-Card ($20-60 depending on size – the SD-Card library uses a FAT-16 environment, so 1GB is all you’re going to need)
  • MintyBoost ($20 – 12 Hour lifespan for 2 AAs, 3 for a 9V battery)
  • Air Quality & Ozone Sensor ($6 each, see above for links)
  • Batteries (~$5 – I’d suggest rechargables)
  • 2 Resistors ($.15)

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  1. Congrats on the great work Brent! I recommend everyone heads over to his blog and grab the RSS feed. He’s got some great projects running ( Great use of Adafruit products!

  2. And the link to the details was lost in the post, here it is –

  3. Really great project! About how much life do you get from the batteries?

  4. Chuck Buckley

    Hmm.. Shouldn’t this be in a tricorder case?

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