We try our best to ship orders as fast as humanly and mechanically possible, so it’s great to get a note like this! Customer “K” writes –
Dear Limor (gosh, it’s really nice to know a name!)
Let’s review the facts:
- Placed order (after 5 pm, as I recall) on Thursday.
- At 12:28 AM Friday morning received order confirmation
- At 12:28 AM Friday morning also received notice of shipment on Saturday (priority mail)
- At 6:15 PM Monday retrieved package from mailbox
- At 6:20 PM Monday, confirmed contents of package
F—ing incredible!!
I’m very glad that another engineer (check my e-mail name) has realized the value of good customer service! …and has built (is building?) a successful business on that basis!
I’m an old (62) Physics major from GaTech (electro-acoustics) who built the first MITS Altair 8800 computer in the Physics Dept. (ca. 1974) I am now re-learning the electronics as I plow into the field of hobby robotics (I’ve been a Civil Engineer for thirty something years).
Your tutorials and easygoing, thorough style have inspired me renew my electronics and programming skills with excitement. Keep up the good work.
I ASSURE you that as I purchase “stuff” to fuel my electronics and robotics interests, I will ALWAYS check AdaFruit before shopping anywhere else. (This is my second order, but the first was equally impressive!)
Good luck with your enterprise…I KNOW that you will be successful!
I had a similar experience with my Arduino kit, all the goodies arrived here unreasonably speedily, and the bits were all exactly what I ordered! And then, Lady Ada’s online tutorials covered everything from support tools like multimeters to unknown concepts like debouncing!
Limor has everything this web developer needed to pick up hardware hacking! w00!
I always check AdaFruit first when shopping for electronics.
Speaking of which, will you carry the Arduino Nano at some point?
Is there a donation fund to get the tutorial extended? I want more of this: http://www.ladyada.net/learn/arduino/
Indeed, I agree. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with ordering things from AdaFruit. Keep up the good work.
I agree, I’ve always had great service from AdaFruit and have found the instructions for the kits to be very thorough and helpful. So long live AdaFruit, and stuff.
Completely agree…I had a defective part and was shipped a replacement immediately through first class mail…I didn’t have to wait! And for that I thank you.
I think my first order was actually packed and shipped before I ordered it 🙂 My 2nd order took a bit longer, but who knows what was going on on that end. That’ll be the challenge as you grow, to keep that up. Hopefully you’ll hire temps when things get tough.