For those of you interested in the chumby One, the schematics and gerbers are now posted on chumby’s wiki in the hardware section. Hopefully, over time some of the hacks we’ve done will be documented on the wiki. Or, you could contribute and document your hacks there as well…it is a public wiki after all!
I think a short reminder is due about the hardware license attached to the schematics and gerbers. The topic of Open Source licensing is certainly one that has spawned many Holy Wars, with True Believers on all sides. Many accuse me of not being a “true” open source person, an opinion for which they are entitled to. I have always had my own opinion about open source that in some places run contrary to the popular opinion; for example, I find the GPL to be a bit burdensome at times, and the weight that comes with GPL code some times prevents me from using it or linking against it; instead, I have to find code that uses a “lighter”, less-restrictive license. However, I do firmly believe that both the company and the community are well served by sharing schematics for devices, and quite often these get out there regardless of the intentions of the maker. Oh and — in case it wasn’t clear, this blog is my personal, independent expression, so my opinions and views don’t necessarily reflect those of chumby Industries.
Long and interesting discussion on the open nature of the Chumby…
Agreed. I personally avoid GPL due to its viral nature. There are lots of libraries and software with real free licenses should as MIT and BSD. I rather contribute back to projects with MIT and BSD licenses because that gives me freedom to use my contributed code wherever I want. If the license was GPL I could use my code only in other GPL projects.
I’m no expert on software licenses, but I’m pretty sure that’s not true. As the copyright holder, you may license that code in any way you wish, and do anything you want with it. Code can be dual licensed BSD and GPL, so that it can be used in GPL projects, but also may be modified and distributed according to the BSD license. Changes made to it by others as part of a GPL’d project must remain GPL’d, and if you then improve on their changes, you’re bound by the GPL. However, you are still the copyright owner of the original work and may do anything with it you like. The license is how _you_ allow others to change and distribute it, and does not change the fact that it belongs to you.
Please correct me if I’m mistaken.