IBM Archives: IBM 350 disk storage unit



5mb, fits on a small plane – IBM Archives: IBM 350 disk storage unit via BB.

The IBM 350 Disk Storage was a major component of the IBM 305 RAMAC (Random Access Memory Accounting) system, introduced in September 1956. The 305 was a flexible, electronic, general purpose data processing machine that enabled businesses to record transactions as they occurred and concurrently reflect each entry in affected accounts. It maintained records on a real-time basis, provided random access to any record, eliminated peak loads, and could simultaneously produce output by either print or punched cards.

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  1. Now if we could get our hands on one to create a “HDD Speaker”.

  2. Even the forklift operator wore ties… these were special times!

  3. I had an employment interview with IBM in the 60’s and white shirts and ties were required attire back then. Times have changed…I think for the better with more emphasis place on individual’s ideas rather than dress codes which lead to better innovation….I think?…

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