Chris Anderson: What I Read @ The Atlantic Wire

Pt 10298

Our pal Chris (DIY Drones) has a fun article in The Atlatnic Wire, nice list!

Nassim Taleb once advised people to ignore any news you don’t hear in a social context. From people you know and, ideally, face to face. You have two combinatorial filters in social communication. First, you’ve chosen to talk with these people, and second, they’ve chosen to bring it up. Those two filters–a social and an importance filter–are really good ways of identifying what really matters to people. If I hear about news through social means, and if I hear about it three times, then I pay attention.

This takes me to my geeky interests. One thing I’m focused on is the Maker movement. This puts me in the 3D printer, 3D authoring tools, CNC machines, robotics crowd. Some of the leaders in this community have companies with outward-facing blogs that give thoughts, opinions, information, tutorials. A bunch of robotics firms are of that form: Adafruit, SparkFun, MakerBot, Ponoko, Pololu. Then there are a couple geeky magazines I quite enjoy: IEEE Spectrum, Servo, Robot Magazine, Make Magazine, the official magazine of the AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International).

Post up your makerly-reading-list in the comments!

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