Arduino With Ethernet Shield + Pachube

Pt 10312

Clete writes

I’ve recently purchased the new Arduino Ethernet shield. This new shield has been revised to have a micro SD card slot that I hear can read/write cards sized up to 2GB. This can be useful for serving up files or even making torrent clients (albeit slow).

The first project that I have completed is a small program that will upload the temperature of my room every 10 seconds to an online service called Pachube, which is a service for uploading sensor data.

I used some code found at Pachube, modified it a bit, and combined it with some code from one of Adafruit’s tutorials. You can see my Pachube feed here.

In the future, I plan on adding some more sensors and also combining it with a web server run from the Arduino.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for mentioning me!

    My name is spelled “Clete” though. 🙂

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