MintyBoost works with the HTC Desire…
Just to let you know that I bought a Mintyboost kit and it works fine with my HTC Desire – with an USB-A to micro-usb converter – Andy
MintyBoost 3.0 works with iPhone 4 and more!
Make your own iPod/iPhone/GPS/etc… battery-pack and recharger! This project includes all the electronic parts necessary to build your own MintyBoost: a small & simple (but very powerful) USB charger for your iPod (or other mp3 player), camera, cell phone, and any other gadget you can plug into a USB port to charge. If you have a Nintendo DS/GBA or a PSP you can buy charger cables from us, too.
The charger circuitry and 2 AA batteries fit into an Altoids gum tin, and will run your iPod for hours, 2.5x more than you’d get from a 9V USB charger! You can use rechargeable batteries too.
New In Version 3: Provides 500mA @ 5V, tested and designed to work with all the latest iGadgets including the latest iPhones and iPods!, improved efficiency for high-drain devices, works much better with LiPoly battery mods.
Kit comes unassembled and is suitable for beginners. Some soldering tools are necessary but even if you’ve never soldered before it should be pretty easy. Read more about the project on the Minty Boost webpage.
Tested works with: iPods, iTouches and iPhones (including the latest 4G), PSP, DS..Please see a full listing at Minty Boost compatibility webpage to see if your device is tested to work before purchasing. Batteries and tin not included. If you live in an area that doesn’t have Altoids gum, you can buy a tin from us. You can also of course make your own case!
In stock and shipping immediately!
*Please make sure to read the project pages before purchase and assembly, some phones may require modifications to the kit to charge properly