PROFESSIONal: Neil Youngberg

This is a gorgeous short film about Neil Youngberg, a maker and metal fabricator. From Vita Brevis Films:

In this short-form profile, VitaBrevisFilms interviews Neil Youngberg for the beginning exploration of our “Professional” series. Shot on location in Neil’s metal fabrication shop, the 3rd generation craftsman gives a sincere overview of his life’s work, dispensing hard-worn wisdom while illuminating the sobering realities of the role private business plays in an ever changing economic landscape. A deeply personal project for all involved, this on-going series seeks to shed-light on forgotten trades and practices in an evolving America.

This film is beautifully done — can’t wait to see the others in this series!

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  1. Thank you for sharing this! Beautiful film, and I love the twinkle in his eye!

  2. Wow, thanks for putting that up!

    I wonder if we’ll see a similar clip with Limor in 40 years time…

  3. “when you don’t learn, you got a problem. that’s when you’re through.”

    A quote to live by if ever there was one, imho. This also frustrates me in my day job – the people I work with don’t learn anything new even when they need to.

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