I don’t know about you, but I make it a habit of never being out of reach of pencil and paper. I can not tell you the vast amount of sketches, schematics and data sheets that I have scribbled/printed out over time. I have always wanted to have a way to reduce the amount of paper I use, but never can seem to break the habit. But a buzz is going around the net about a device called the NoteSlate.
It looks like it might be using Kent Displays Reflex technology for the screen. It’s also said to offer a 180 hr battery, WiFi, USB support, SD card support (32gb), and an audio jack for playback.
It’s still not clear on the details of what the WiFi option could be used for, site says it’s for a “share” option and no browsing. But I would like to see wireless printing and/or remote backup too. NoteSlate website details that it’s firmware will be Open Source and has promised future (free) firmware updates for OCR /PDF viewing.
Don’t fear fellow pencil lovers! The NoteSlate NATURAL is said to allow you keep your pencil.
I sure hope this is not vaporware.
Update: Here’s a note from kentsystems…
The inquiry I have isn’t really a website inquiry it is a blog piece you
picked up and published that is in error. The Noteslate article indicates
that the Noteslate will be using our technology. This device (if it is ever
made) does not use Kent Displays technology. If you are interested in our
technology our Communications Director can send you information or a smaple
unit for trial and review. We do have a device to be released in the fall
(we expect to announce it sometime late summer 6-8 weeks before the launch
date), that will be similar to t he Noteslate in many ways but smaller in
size and we hope siilar in price.best regards
Joel Domino
That sounds awesome and I would love one. However, looking at the Kent Displays website it claims it only supports 50k erases. That sounds like a lot, but seems like a low count for a $100 device, especially if they implement the PDF viewer like they claim.
Hmm, looking more on their site I’m not sure if it supports 50k erases or if the battery in the boogie board supports 50k erases. Need to find a better datasheet.
Their web site has zero information on the company, and the domain is registered via proxy. Their facebook page has at least three slipped announcement dates. I for one want this, and would gladly pay up to even $300, but so far, all it does is classify as vaporware…
Please, please don’t let this be vaporware. This is the device I’ve always wanted, and the reason I haven’t purchased an iPad or Samsung Tab yet.
Brookstone sells Boogie Board™ Paperless LCD Writing Tablet that is very similar ( doesn’t save notes though ). $39.95
Poorly written page, grammatical errors, wi-fi module added upon request at no extra charge, and other really fishy things on their site. I would love to see this happen (especially at the $99 price point) but I feel this is probably never going to be a tangible product.
Someone sent me a link to the page earlier but I only glanced at it, and now I get a 503 error…looks like we flooded them. Now I can’t re-read it. 🙁
If they do bring this to market I really hope they use the flexible version of e-ink displays. I was really upset when I went for my trusty ereader a few months back and the screen was busted. Especially if I plan on writing on the thing…