OSHW Logos!

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Check out all these amazing OSHW Logos! Over 31+ entered so far, in the next couple weeks we’ll have a logo for the 1.0 definition!

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  1. I really like the circuit spider with an unlock. To me it symbolizes that Open Source hardware is a living creature, powered by the community, everyone move it forward and keeps it living. The lock symbolizes IMO the nature of Open Source Hardware being “open” and “unlocked” for anyone to use and better. I like that one best 🙂

  2. copyleft chip for me :). it seems like everything is trying to play on a shortform “OH”, and it really just doesn’t work for me or make it obvious what the logo is about. i like explicitly seeing the ‘open hardware’ text, with a little tiny chip with a letter in it… it sort of shows what it stands for, and eventually in a couple of years maybe you’d just need the chip logo without the “open hardware” text.

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