Arduino + Wii Nunchuk + Labyrinth

Melquíades Júnior, inspired by nivini’s awesome instructable, created this motorized homemade Labyrinth game controlled with a Wii Nunchuk. He writes (via google translate from the original Portuguese):

To make the maze I used a box of MDF 25cm x 25cm and lid of another box in MDF 20cm x 20cm, which was mounted to the maze itself with bits and pieces of a handle sticks “giant” (5mm in diameter), a abandoned toy from my 3-year-old daughter. Four pieces of plywood served to make the middle frame. In this framework has been set the first servo axis that has stuck in the middle of one side of the cover 20×20 and is responsible for movement in the Y axis. The second servo, which is responsible for movement in X axis, is attached to the larger box and has its axis stuck on one side of the intermediate frame so as to be perpendicular to the first servo.

The code, which can be seen below, was adapted from code found on this site:
I replaced the piece of code that prints the values on the screen for control of the servos. To improve the stability of the code make an average of the last 20 readings, adjust the scale and apply the results to the servos.

Nice work, Melquíades!

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