Mitch writes –
Me and Jeff “Mightyohm” Keyzer and Andie Nordgren finally finished our complete “Soldering Is Easy!” comic book. I’m way excited about it. It’s fun, and funny, easy to read, and I hope will make it really easy for anyone and everyone to learn to solder, even if they’ve never made anything before.
This is part of the book that me and Jeff are writing (including some of your projects) about How to Make Cool Things With Microcontrollers (For People Who Know Nothing), to be published later this year by No Starch Press (This is also the first official public announcement that we’re writing our book!)
The complete comic is open source (Creative Commons BY SA — attribution and share alike), and the full-res version is available on Jeff’s website, at the link given above. We encourage people to download it, copy it, learn from it, teach with it, translate it, and do whatever they like with it. More info, including comic frames without text to make it easier for translating is available on Jeff’s website: old single-page comic reference sheet (good for reminding you how to solder after learning how) is now in 6 languages, which are also all open source, and all free for the download on my website: