Google’s open accessory development kit on standard Arduino hardware


Google’s open accessory development kit on standard Arduino hardware, not confirmed but seems like it should work…

A lot of people have been put off by the price of the reference hardware kit, which is roughly $390. What’s worse, they appear to be sold out until end of May, and Microchip’s cheaper ($80) alternative doesn’t arrive until July. So instead of waiting I decided to write a guide on how to get an ADK-capable Arduino for about $55.

Since the ADK reference design is based on Arduino and Oleg Mazurov’s excellent USB host shield, it stands to reason that we should be able to build our own hardware kit from these components. I already had these parts lying around from my work on MicroBridge, so I decided to ‘port’ their code, which in reality means just changing a couple of pin definitions.

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  1. And there’s the Arduino Pro Mini version too:

  2. Any bets on how long it will be before a Kinect is attached to one of the Arduino based interfaces?

  3. I am stuck wondering why people would want to tie an android device to an Arduino via USB especially when the dev kit is soo expensive. Most Android phones have blueooth and wireless/networking which is a far nicer way to do things in my opinion.
    Using Google App Inventor I have made proof of concept devices that have used either bluetooth to control a simple RGB LED or my personal favourite uses a Ethernet shield and a few other components to remotely control my air conditioner over the net.
    The code is at best embarrassing but it works for my uses I am sure someone with more experience would make what I have done in a much cleaner and simpler way.

  4. Ok so I just got around to watching the video with the full details. I see how the API/ADK has much more abilities then I thought.
    Ok now I want one.

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