Logging the temperature and humidity

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RasterWeb! Logging the temperature and humidity

Last November one of the Arduino-based projects I started working on was a temperature logger for the office. With winter coming up I wanted to see just how cold it got. (The office is in a converted attic, and the heating and cooling leaves much to be desired.)

I picked up a TMP36 – Analog Temperature sensor and got it wired up and wrote some hacky perl code to read the data and log it. I never really got it out of the experimentation stage, and ended up pulling the Arduino out for another project. (Isn’t that often the case!?)

So last month when Adafruit came out with the DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor I figured I should grab one, and maybe I’d get around to finishing the project.
My temperature (and humidity!) logger is still not done, but I did whip up something to run this week while Wisconsin is having a heat wave. The office has a window air conditioning unit, but it only runs when someone is in the office. When no one is there, it gets hot. How hot? Well, now we know….

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1 Comment

  1. I also got around to publishing the code, which works, but could certainly use some work.

    (I’m sure it’ll be an ongoing project.)


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