PocketBot – a matchbox-sized line following robot

Pt 101396

PocketBot – a matchbox-sized line following robot

PocketBot project consists of three parts. The key part of the project is the robot itself – a tiny line following vehicle of a matchbox size. Furthermore, the robot is supported with an USB communication device and with a PC control application. Altogether, these three parts form a complex solution to the line following issue.

The robot was primary designed to fit into a matchbox. A homemade double-sided printed circuit board stands as the robot’s chassis at the same time. Robot is powered with two rechargeable lithium-ion button batteries wired in parallel (3.6V, 40mAh each). The Atmel ATmega8 microcontroller runs robot’s program, which is written in C. An 8-pin connector offers ISP and UART interface for programming and debugging, respectively.

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  1. do want

  2. This is strikingly similar to the one on Electronic Lives Manufacturing…

  3. If this ever makes it as a MAKE: project, will buy!

  4. I love the way he has the motors hooked to the wheels. That’s brilliant.

  5. This design looks very similar to the ELM design from 2003: http://elm-chan.org/works/ltc/report.html

  6. This design looks very similar to the ELM design from 2003: http://elm-chan.org/works/ltc/report.html

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