ASK AN ENGINEER 8/6/2011 (video)
hey can’t hang out with the robots anymore
6:50 Miaximus: The demon of live demons
6:50 Jac_Goudsmit: junk ftw
6:50 fightcube: as long as they work
6:50 zool: haha nice
6:50 socket11: I love the duck tape!
6:50 hjohnson_1: Ahh, if he’s not doing CNC routing, not as much torque needed.
6:50 scott-42: From Clay
6:51 hammerhead74k: Suggestion: switch to leadscrews. 1/4-20 allthread and steel T-nuts from the hardware store work.
6:51 scott-42: The 3V only parts are just sampling now (p/n: LS013B4DN04), but the 3V/5V combo parts are available to purchase (Mouser has ’em– p/n: LS013B4DN02)
6:51 LapsusAntepedis: Testing
6:52 usunoro: hi lapsus
6:52 LapsusAntepedis: Hi ๐
6:52 Jac_Goudsmit: lol improvised show and tell
6:52 scott-42: Ask Chris to show the big bot and have it talk. ๐
6:52 rsbohn: hey that’s cool
6:53 jkCBWPnet: anyone here familiar with wiz200web?
6:53 RobotGrrl: show walter!
6:53 scott-42: yes Walter, WE WWANT WALTER
6:53 RobotGrrl: WALTER
6:54 Nashblackcat:
6:54 Nashblackcat: $20 bucks ?!?!
6:54 Nashblackcat: ๐
6:54 socket11: cool
6:55 hammerhead74k: I’ve got one around here… somewhere…
6:55 mjusticz: Protip: for a better chance at the contest, refresh the stream a minute or two before it begins, so you get a stream without lag
6:55 forsetifox: Awww.
6:56 socket11: Beer run!!!
6:56 zool: lol
6:56 scott-42: @socket11 I like where you head it at. Good call.
6:56 fightcube: Protip… lol
6:56 bigbodynobrain: so what did people think of my cnc?
6:56 jkCBWPnet: @hammerhead was that to me? lol
6:56 mjusticz: bigbody: pretty swell
6:56 addidis: this is what im making
6:56 usunoro: bigbody, its pretty cool
6:56 socket11: Cool cnc!
6:56 rsbohn: <3 cnc
6:56 mjusticz: bigbody: what are you using as your motor controller again?
6:56 lookwhatjoeysmaking: i cold do show in tell almost every day
6:56 georgegraves: recording...............................
6:57 lookwhatjoeysmaking: i make a lot of things
6:57 hammerhead74k: OK - I'm slightly confused as to who on the chat is who in the video...
6:57 mjusticz: no rule against showing multiple things at one show and tell!
6:57 LapsusAntepedis: Just a thought, would anyone else be interested in a similar sort of hangout thing, but maybe twice a week, and longer, to be recorded and put on youtube, etc
6:57 fightcube: show and tell is awexome. I love seeing new things I've never ever seen before... like those sharp LCDs with the mirror finish
6:57 RobotGrrl: LapsusAntepedis: yeah!
6:57 mjusticz: yeah, but you'd need moderators I think!
6:57 georgegraves-1: If you go to ladyada's google plus page it will show who was in the ahngout.
6:57 ransomhall-1: yah! another time we could get into more detail
6:57 bigbodynobrain: @mjusticz uh pololu steppercontrols driven by an arduino 2009 (burn't up 5 atmegas on it)
6:58 LapsusAntepedis: not as awesome because we'd likely not have ladyada or adabot, but it could still be done
6:58 ADAbot: that lcd was the coolest thing ever
6:58 ransomhall-1: suuure we've got cool projects
6:58 addidis: yeah i am getting one !
6:58 mjusticz: @adabot: seriously!
6:58 Hooloovoo: yeah it was
6:58 mjusticz: buying one soon for sure
6:58 Jac_Goudsmit: I was just thinking, I think the guy with the mirror display said it could do 20fps, I bet a laser and a display like that would make for some awesome project
6:58 hammerhead74k: Comment about leadscrews was directed at the CNC shown... comment about me having one around here was directed at the logic probe (I've got one... somewhere... but...)
6:58 mjusticz: (if possible)
6:58 ransomhall-1: $15 for the one he showed?
6:58 addidis: nice idea jack
6:58 addidis: wow
6:58 Hooloovoo: the multi color lcds you just started offering are pretty cool too
6:58 mjusticz: the stream isn't live yet, is it?
6:59 addidis: nah
6:59 ransomhall-1: nope
6:59 Hooloovoo: (and I JUST bught a red-on-black one
6:59 RHINO92-1: hello world
6:59 LapsusAntepedis: out of curiosity, has the stream not started, or is ustream just being obstinate
6:59 ADAbot: 1 min
6:59 mjusticz: there it goes!
6:59 Jac_Goudsmit: there we go
6:59 LapsusAntepedis: oh, there is it
6:59 LapsusAntepedis: ๐
6:59 ransomhall-1: i got the VFD display this week for outdoor
6:59 mark8675: something is happening
6:59 ADAbot: george let us know when we're good
6:59 Hooloovoo: and here we go...
6:59 Zadster: Yay management cat
6:59 georgegraves: Good audio - good video . Already recording............................................
6:59 hammerhead74k: I haz a buisness cat!
6:59 mjusticz: ransomhall: isn't is so sick?!
6:59 Jac_Goudsmit: We got signal. Main screen view on.
6:59 richms: no, adabot should really put new pictures in the slideshow when there is no stream, they have many more cool things since that lot ๐
6:59 socket11: Local commerical cool!
6:59 scott-42: stream looks good
6:59 lookwhatjoeysmaking: the cat
6:59 mark8675: Time to learn more stuff woot woot
6:59 LapsusAntepedis: I want to see show and tell pictures in the slideshow :p
6:59 granitepenguin: such a dapper cat
7:00 scott-42: we can hear you
7:00 AlbertStraub: Sales cat
7:00 Joebanks: Time to not win the contest....again.
7:00 ransomhall-1: so sick? vfd? yah!
7:00 fightcube: hooray
7:00 mjusticz: I really do love the VFD. Took me a second to figure out the pinout but I got it working in no tim
7:00 mjusticz: *no time
7:00 socket11: Hello All!
7:00 ktownsend: Great show and tell
7:00 clothbot: yay, OHS!
7:00 mjusticz: as far as pinouts on it go, strobe = select
7:00 mjusticz: remember that
7:00 Miaximus: The VFD's are awesome
7:00 hammerhead74k: If you missed the S&T... you GOTTA check out the recording later...
7:00 ransomhall-1: yes! regular lcd too dim outdoors
7:01 mjusticz: S&T with the A&E aftershow!
7:01 rsbohn: yeah show-n-tell was awesome
7:01 ransomhall-1: STAE
7:01 Nashblackcat: Wow this show is packed!
7:01 Hooloovoo: I want one of those new lcds
7:01 Len17: Is this gonna be a 2-hour AaE??
7:01 LapsusAntepedis: I love that you guys got the double-sided long headers ๐
7:01 Jac_Goudsmit: So much stuff, it's pixellating my stream ๐
7:01 Hooloovoo: mosfet!
7:01 paperkettle: CAT!
7:02 Miaximus: ๐
7:02 fightcube: lol Len
7:02 socket11: Mosfrt! rules
7:02 mjusticz: that's not mosfet lol
7:02 mjusticz: that's business cat
7:02 LapsusAntepedis: now I can use various wire harnesses with my breadboard
7:02 mjusticz: they look similar though
7:02 Miaximus: lol
7:02 Hooloovoo: heh
7:02 addidis: day before mybirth day the internets were born lol
7:02 Jac_Goudsmit: That World Wide Web things is never gonna catch on
7:02 hammerhead74k: Er... no. No the Internet. The WEB!!!
7:02 physics_dude: 20 years? it's that young? wow...
7:02 fightcube: wow, net and I born at same time
7:02 Zadster: correct hammerhead!
7:02 mjusticz: addidis: happy almost birthday!
7:02 addidis: ty ty
7:02 Len17: WWW is 20 years old, Internet is a lot older.
7:02 mark8675: These innertubes go everywhere
7:02 LapsusAntepedis: Link please?
7:02 Zadster: the Internet is much much older
7:02 addidis: i got ten on the www
7:03 RHINO92-1: mouser is awesome
7:03 lookwhatjoeysmaking: can i use the code fore the data loging shield for arduino
7:03 hammerhead74k: Trivia Q: what was the first web browser written on?
7:03 mjusticz: nextep
7:03 georgegraves: last week's show an tell:
7:03 Zadster: a Cube
7:03 physics_dude:
7:03 mjusticz: right?
7:03 socket11: Cool hangout!
7:03 hammerhead74k: Right!
7:03 lookwhatjoeysmaking: whin will the data loging shield for arduino
7:03 mjusticz: thanks gizmodo!
7:04 georgegraves: Open Hardware Summit 2011 โ Call for Submissions #openhardware #oshw:
7:04 lookwhatjoeysmaking: be back in stock
7:04 RHINO92-1: Mosaic
7:04 Zadster: If CERN never produces anything else, all the billions investment was worth it just for the WWW
7:04 clothbot: Earlybird tickets are/were available too; got mine!
7:04 mjusticz: Haha I just went to a taping of family feud tonight
7:04 socket11: Who sponsers the bar?
7:04 mjusticz: pretty swell
7:04 georgegraves:
7:04 JMartinez9: .
7:04 RobotGrrl: scott-42: haha afterwards chris said he was going to add in a switch so walter only listens when its pressed so it's not talking all the time XD
7:05 clothbot:
7:05 JMartinez9: that's in NY
7:05 Jac_Goudsmit: George: You should shorten that adafruit url for the sake of those who are watching the recording and have to type it into their browsers
Maz60525: what was the code
7:13 clothbot: fightcube: it's supposed to be, yes.
7:13 jkCBWPnet: reprap?
7:13 lominsky-1: WEB
7:13 fightcube: thanks clothbot
7:13 georgegraves:
7:13 RobotGrrl: howdy clothbot ^^
7:13 mryan923: Loved the article
7:13 Jac_Goudsmit: I don't like flickr because they only allow you to upload a limited number of pictures per day
7:13 clothbot: hey RobotGrrl! Heading to OHS this year?
7:13 hammerhead74k: I doubt it'll ever be DWG - last I checked, they don't support using DWG as an interchange format, they want you to use DXF instead (DWG being their closed binary format).
7:14 socket11: US!
7:14 addidis: i still use photo bucket lol
7:14 Cadmandu: The refresh and fullscreen buttons don't exist for me tonight.
7:14 fightcube: $100? where?
7:14 fightcube: CorelDraw is the sheeeezy
7:14 RHINO92-1: F5 Cadmandu
7:14 mryan923: I LOVE openness
7:14 RHINO92-1: F5 refresh
7:14 JMartinez9: it's like why doesn't every website just use html5 only?
7:15 mryan923: it was great ad
7:15 JMartinez9: or why not use c for everything
7:15 RHINO92-1: Ponoko
7:15 mjusticz: For my laser I use adobe illustrator to design in mac os x, boot into bootcamp and print with coreldraw. Personally I can't stand coreldraw, but I haven't gotten used to it uet
7:15 mjusticz: *yet
7:15 AlbertStraub: Inkscape for making gears.
7:15 mryan923: its on make
7:15 RobotGrrl: clothbot: is there an artengine group heading down to ny for ohs and the maker faire?
7:15 Jac_Goudsmit: My cousin works at, they also let you send in 3D designs that they can make for you
7:15 addidis: Darpa is funding hackerspaces now !
7:15 hammerhead74k: PCB cad is a different target than laser cutting/water jet stuff... but yeah, I see what you mean...
7:15 yardleydobon: GE is technically a financial services company since that is a majority of their business. Isn't that sad.
7:15 ransomhall-1: gpt my ponoko order coming monday, cant wait!
7:15 socket11: Darpa loves hackers!
7:15 AngrySpinach: What did I miss?
7:15 mjusticz: ramson: what'd you order?
7:16 mryan923: Would any one like to start a hackerspace in NH?
7:16 daidny: The closest hackerspace for me is 3 hours away :/
7:16 clothbot: RobotGrrl: not specifically artengine, but a few of us are.
7:16 bigbodynobrain: nearest hackerspace in Washington DC
7:16 RobotGrrl: clothbot: nice! i'll be in contact with you about that :O
7:16 jkCBWPnet: pgh baby im 3 min away
7:16 fightcube: mjusticz - I tried to learn AI, but back then a few years ago it couldn't snap to objects and nodes and dynamic nodes... but I guess now it can... ^_^
7:16 clothbot: RobotGrrl: sounds like a plan!
7:16 jkCBWPnet: tuesday night is on makerbots reprap etc
7:16 DrenBoy: wonder if instructable s/w will be like wikis hehe
7:17 mryan923: Oh boy
7:17 hammerhead74k: "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."
7:17 daidny: lol
7:17 ransomhall-1: nice
7:17 AngrySpinach: lolol
7:17 zool: lol
7:17 DrenBoy: hahaha!!! NOICE
7:17 Cadmandu: Been reloading my browser page for 15 minutes.
7:17 Jac_Goudsmit: haha
7:17 yachris: hammerhead: you called it!
7:17 AngrySpinach: ow plastic
7:17 Cadmandu: Bye.
7:17 jkCBWPnet: sandy squirrel made one of those
7:17 richms: just look how much and cheaper photoprinting has got for in home etc
7:17 physics_dude: printed tea FTW!
7:17 clothbot: microfluidics, ftw!
7:17 socket11: Super kenkic light camera! LOL love it!
7:17 richms: better and cheaper I mean
7:18 yardleydobon: hot? of course it’s hot!
7:18 Hooloovoo: 3 actually
7:18 georgegraves: โMakerโ INVENT billboards in the San Francisco:
7:18 rsbohn: Some folks like iced tea.
7:18 AngrySpinach: Or a question mark
7:18 hammerhead74k: It’s only hot if the replicator is working right…
7:18 AngrySpinach: Invent?
7:18 ericwertz: there’s a sign like that a few blocks away from me in San Jose
7:18 mryan923: its cool
7:18 DrenBoy: OMFG!!!!!
7:18 DrenBoy: he finally did it!!!!!
7:18 AngrySpinach: Want
7:18 georgegraves:
7:18 Jac_Goudsmit: nice
7:18 rsbohn: Sweet.
7:19 mark8675: Invent as spoken by William Shatner
7:19 socket11: Go to another hackerspace and make friends!
7:19 AngrySpinach: YAY EUROPE
7:19 addidis: this is neat , if only it didnt need an i device
7:19 Hooloovoo: I just downloaded that app today
7:19 RobotGrrl: it is awesome
for iPad?
7:20 mryan923: Q: Will Adafruit be @ NYC Makerfaire
7:20 georgegraves:
7:20 Jac_Goudsmit: iCantUseIt
7:20 fightcube: I have EE Toolkit on my iPhone… it’s Packed with calculators and very nice
7:20 AngrySpinach: lol
7:20 richms: I cant tell most of the purple resistors from brown half the time
7:20 physics_dude: lol @ Jac
7:20 ktownsend: electrodroid is pretty amazing for Android
7:20 lominsky-1: i’ve always thought google goggles should recognize resistors
7:20 georgegraves:
7:20 Jac_Goudsmit: No Apple devices in my house
7:20 socket11: Droid has a couple good ones.
7:20 ericwertz: like the sqat logo
7:20 swantron: ditto ktownsend
7:21 macman320: Ya, electro droid is a great android app
7:21 socket11: Always give credit!
7:21 addidis: gotta switch to headphones brb
7:21 hammerhead74k: The problem with resistor color codes is that the colors vary in hue…
7:21 AngrySpinach: Electronics Assistant is great
7:21 mryan923: you will
7:22 AlbertStraub: I wonder why they never dumped the color code and just printed the numbers on? I mean SMD resistors have the numbers printed on. The color code must be from the days when you couldn’t print fast.
7:22 mryan923: git hub is messed up on my computer
7:22 AngrySpinach: Dear Mr Jobs…
7:22 macman320: lol
7:22 Miaximus: I buy from Adafruit unless you dont have it!
7:22 georgegraves:
7:22 hjohnson_1: “Hey, sony, where’s your github repository.. oh wait.. oh god… Please don’t sue me!”
7:22 richms: AlbertStraub there is no top on a thruhole so it could endup hard to read on a board
7:22 AngrySpinach: lol
7:22 hammerhead74k:
7:22 macman320: what doesent exist?!?!!?!?
7:22 zerth: in russia, they print the # on the resistors
7:23 addidis: hehhehe
7:23 ransomhall-1: nice, git me some russian resistors!
7:23 AngrySpinach: sony smells
7:23 AngrySpinach: This is great software
7:23 socket11: Got a picture of a russian resistor?
7:23 physics_dude: Linux FTW!
7:23 macman320: YES
7:23 LapsusAntepedis: what the
7:23 ADAbot: :: Welcome to the weekly adafruit “ask an engineer chat” ::
7:23 ADAbot: :: for all the makers here – use the code “WEB” to get 10% off many kits!
7:23 ADAbot: :: at the end of the hour we will have a special giveaway!
7:23 hammerhead74k: And then there is this:
7:23 georgegraves: Serial port monitor โ Peek at your COM ports!:
7:23 LapsusAntepedis: suddenly my arrays are starting at -1
7:23 LapsusAntepedis: I’m so confused
7:23 macman320: What language?
7:24 ericwertz: In Soviet Russia, resistors resist *you*
7:24 socket11: english
7:24 LapsusAntepedis: Arduino environment :p
7:24 socket11: lol
7:24 georgegraves: Serial port monitor tutorial:
7:24 zerth:
7:24 AngrySpinach: So your know what’s REALLY in your serial ports???
7:24 lookwhatjoeysmaking: there need to be a tshirt that sas arduino is my drug
7:24 AngrySpinach: *you*
7:24 Jac_Goudsmit: Isn’t this from sysinternals?
7:25 socket11: awsome!
7:25 hjohnson_1: It’s 10:24. Do you know where your serial port is?
7:25 AngrySpinach: lol
7:25 mk007: He works at Microsoft now
7:25 DrenBoy: lol
7:25 AngrySpinach: getting drunk
7:25 mark8675: my calculator places a hex on my rads
7:25 Ralph_Cramden: sysinternals yes
7:25 socket11: beer run
7:25 lookwhatjoeysmaking: what age do u start hiring at
7:25 jkCBWPnet: open source t-shirts joey?
7:25 Jac_Goudsmit: Mark Russinovich is the name you’re looking for I think
7:25 Hooloovoo: mark rusinovitch? he wrote a book too. zer0 day. I just read it
7:25 georgegraves: ZEN CART ZENSDAY โ Add a ticker to your store:
7:26 AngrySpinach: JOB
7:26 BennettBenson: Mark Russinovich?
7:26 lookwhatjoeysmaking: whats that
7:26 Hooloovoo: I wish I coult type
7:26 macman320: For sony?
7:26 jkCBWPnet: my buddy owns a print shop i can make that happen ๐
7:26 Nashblackcat: Camera AXE!
7:26 georgegraves:
7:26 AngrySpinach: parts ๐
7:26 socket11: Flunky for hire here!
7:26 AngrySpinach: ๐
7:26 Miaximus: VFD ๐
7:26 ransomhall-1: VFD rocks!
7:26 Miaximus: Love em
7:27 fightcube: george – do you publish all of the links in one place for each show?
7:27 rsbohn: ooh ooh ooh
7:27 hammerhead74k: Uhhh… because you are cool???
7:27 AngrySpinach: I <3 vfd
7:27 georgegraves:
7:27 mark8675: life in stereo
7:27 ADAbot: all the links will be in the show notes
7:27 ADAbot: and they are all on the blog
7:27 fightcube: thanks
7:27 jmcglinn: I got a BIG vfd in the mail today from ebay. Big like a cash register.
7:28 mjusticz: .
7:28 ransomhall-1: VFD = lots o current
7:28 richms: Im wanting some that are like the ones for front audio that have the isolated switch for jack detection
7:28 fightcube: that IS a nice audio jack ๐
7:28 rsbohn: yeah, leave some room for the wires.
7:28 ransomhall-1: for uC anyways
7:28 AngrySpinach: I just use jacks from old toys
7:28 addidis: very nice
7:28 scott-42: My geeky charts!
7:28 AngrySpinach: pretty
7:28 RobotGrrl: scott-42: nice!
7:28 georgegraves: iCufflinks improved battery life code hackingโฆ:
7:28 ransomhall-1: super geek scott
7:29 socket11: Love the cuff links!
7:29 georgegraves: Fourm post:
7:29 fightcube: battery is backwards ๐
7:29 ADAbot: the iNecklace should be out in a week or so
7:29 AngrySpinach: ๐
7:29 ADAbot: necklace version
7:29 ericwertz: less power that way
7:29 Jac_Goudsmit: It uses almost no power with the batter backwards ๐
7:29 ransomhall-1: necklace = cool
7:29 Zadster: v efficient
7:29 Hooloovoo: hehe jac
7:29 Miaximus: MMmmmm
7:29 addidis: lol jack
7:30 AlbertStraub: Modulate the PWM so that when you point it at a photodiode attached to an audio amp it makes the godzilla roar!
7:30 jkCBWPnet: a short is a short?
7:30 georgegraves: 0 ohm resistors always makes my head feel funny.
7:30 fightcube: now you loose power in the switching edges
7:30 ericwertz: it's charging the battery reverse-biased
7:30 socket11: Increase of up time?
7:30 Zadster: I have some 0 ohm resistors that claim to be +/- 10% tolerance
7:31 WaltertheRobot: I think 0 ohm resistors come in rolls
7:31 AlbertStraub: George - You'll get over it. I used to not believe in picoseconds.
7:31 zerth: especially if you get a batch of 5% 0 ohm resistors. I like to sort them till they generate power.
7:31 AngrySpinach: neat physics graphs
7:31 AngrySpinach: they look textbook
7:31 hammerhead74k: And the non-linearitys of the switching mosfet...
7:31 jmcglinn: ransomhall-1: vfd current is .6 amp @ 5 volt for this one
7:31 ericwertz: In Soviet Russia, LEDs power YOU
7:31 socket11: LOL
7:31 ransomhall-1: not bad
7:31 Jac_Goudsmit: Zadster: That's rediculous. 0 ohm resistors probably have a REALLY HIGH variance
7:31 AlbertStraub: When I did consumer products, zero ohm through-hole resistors were called jumpers.
7:31 zerth: souldn't the yellow line have a steeper curve to keep the behavior of the light?
7:31 jkCBWPnet: whats 5% of 0?
7:32 AlbertStraub: 0
7:32 Hooloovoo: In Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia quotes you
7:32 Improviser: according to Vladmir Led
7:32 ericwertz: 0ohms are sold with tolerances
7:32 physics_dude: q: Shielded?
7:32 georgegraves: 2.1mm to 1.7mm DC jack adapter:
7:32 jkCBWPnet: so it could be THAT far off and still be good?
7:32 LapsusAntepedis: lol
7:32 Hooloovoo: sorry - that was funnier in my head
7:32 rickrcomm: will it work with a real (non-hacker) Chumbey?
7:32 mark8675: I cut my cable 10 years ago
7:32 SierraNevada1: would that plug into a Chumby one?
7:32 AlbertStraub: Must be talking about the milliohm or so of resistance.
7:32 AlbertStraub: meh
7:32 LapsusAntepedis: 0 ohm resistor = superconductor? ๐
7:32 lookwhatjoeysmaking: whin will u b back in stock of the data loging shield for arduino
7:32 ericwertz: everything has resistance boys!
7:32 fightcube: and girlz
7:33 socket11: Q: Which touch screen do you like fo pushing realtime video to?
7:33 ransomhall-1: resist the machine (russian saying)
7:33 Improviser: resistance is futile!
7:33 AngrySpinach: except for superconductors
7:33 yardleydobon: but what happens when you put two 0 ohms in parallel? divide-by-zero and the universe ends.
7:33 WaltertheRobot: Not me! --I do whatever I am told --no resistance
7:33 addidis: nice adapter , would work for my drawbot ๐
7:33 ericwertz: girlz know that already
7:33 fightcube: duh
7:33 fightcube: ๐
7:33 AlbertStraub: I wonder if you can hack it by modifying the feedback resistors and raise the voltage to 7 volts.
7:33 ADAbot: socket, save that Q for the end (15 min or so!)
7:33 AngrySpinach: seven of nine, primary adjunct of unamatrix one
7:33 BennettBenson: Soviet resistors don't have any resisance
7:33 richms: Some of those non approved adapters are scary as inside
7:33 Jac_Goudsmit: focus fail
7:33 fightcube: DO NOT RECYCLE!
7:34 AlbertStraub: I remember checking the UL code on one and finding out it belonged to a washing machine.
7:34 Hooloovoo: gah - addd
7:34 AngrySpinach: you will be PROBED
7:34 mryan923: for logic
7:34 WaltertheRobot: I think (If I am to beleive what I have been told) that resistance is indeed futile
7:34 yachris: Not just probes, RAINBOW probes!
7:34 addidis: these are nice , and worth the cost
7:34 Improviser: everything is out of focus tonight
7:34 wtfwtfdef: hi
7:34 DrenBoy: colorful!
7:34 socket11: I will take one! LOL!
7:34 ransomhall-1: try dark background
7:34 ericwertz: they send you to Siberia to lower your resistance
7:34 hammerhead74k: If you don't have some, GET SOME!
7:34 richms: since its a set of 9, which colour is missing?
7:34 AlbertStraub: Great for SMD
7:34 wtfwtfdef: fivel
7:34 Zadster: probes that arent afraid to express their sexuality
7:34 mark8675: for UFO's at the end of the rainbow
7:34 wtfwtfdef: fivel goes west
7:34 georgegraves: IC hook set (9 pcs):
7:35 mryan923: 3 wire prong
7:35 Jac_Goudsmit: oh analyzer clips. Sweet! Those are insane expensive at places like Fry's
7:35 AngrySpinach: you can do it!
7:35 jkCBWPnet: no way i need some of those
7:35 wtfwtfdef: fivel is 5 volt
7:35 AlbertStraub: You have a Fry's! I am so jealous!
7:35 swantron: + a bunch
7:35 AngrySpinach: I have maplin
7:35 fightcube: Those probes pop off pretty easily if they wiggle around... last ones I purchased were $15 each....
7:35 addidis: yeah 5 mins from me albert
7:35 ransomhall-1: Q: what kind of amperage can they take?
7:36 wtfwtfdef: u solder an isp jumpr
7:36 ericwertz: Probably five Fry's half hour from me
7:36 Jac_Goudsmit: I have 2 Fry's within an hour's driving distance, and I'm not even in the Bay area
7:36 mark8675: headers!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:36 addidis: eh theres only 2 in the us eh?
7:36 hammerhead74k: Fry's... alas, isn't as good as it used to be...
7:36 jkCBWPnet: yeay
7:36 AlbertStraub: Geeezz. Send one to Colorado!
7:36 socket11: LOL
7:36 DrenBoy: double sided woot
7:36 wtfwtfdef: using headers to connnect idp
7:36 yardleydobon: Q: what mating length is considered long?
7:36 addidis: perfect for connecting a pickit too
7:36 JMartinez9: double header!
7:36 wtfwtfdef: isp
7:36 JMartinez9: ๐
7:36 ericwertz: You can never have too many Fry's -- that is, unless you need customer assistance... ๐
7:36 fightcube: then plug it into another breadboard!Q
7:36 AlbertStraub: Wire wrapped breadboard?
7:36 georgegraves: Extra-long break-away 0.1" 18-pin strip male header (5 pieces):
7:37 Jac_Goudsmit: Q: Do you have female-to-long-male headers too? Like the ones on Arduino shields
7:37 wtfwtfdef: u can cut them
7:37 georgegraves: Datasheet:
7:37 ericwertz: shorts are 12mm i think
7:37 WaltertheRobot: I couldn't believe it --Radio shack is selling wire wrap again!
7:37 Hooloovoo: ooooh!
7:37 jkCBWPnet: female/female + these
7:37 AngrySpinach: soooooo cool
7:37 ransomhall-1: blinkies!
7:37 lominsky-1: wooooooooo
7:37 wtfwtfdef: use cutters
7:37 AngrySpinach: shinies
7:37 georgegraves: NEW PRODUCT โ RGB backlight negative LCD 16ร2 + extras, RGB on black:
7:37 rsbohn: ook!
7:37 scott-42: nice looking LCDs
7:37 fightcube: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh
7:37 ericwertz: cutters will bine them up
7:37 swantron: do it live...
7:37 wtfwtfdef: nice lcd
7:37 ericwertz: (bone)
7:37 AngrySpinach: AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:37 yardleydobon: whoa
7:37 AlbertStraub: I used to love wire wrap. It was my knitting while I watched Dr. Who reruns.
7:37 Jac_Goudsmit: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinyyyyyyyyyyyyy
7:37 ransomhall-1: Q: where's the music?
7:37 rsbohn: oh yeah
7:37 Hooloovoo: you can rotate colors on the fly - I was wondering
7:37 hammerhead74k: Reminds me of the display on my car stereo...
7:37 mjusticz: .
7:37 mjusticz: We'll do it live!
7:38 ericwertz: LSD LCD
7:38 richms: Q: how good is the white on them with them all on?
7:38 AngrySpinach: Q: Are these much harder to use than normal LCDs
7:38 wtfwtfdef: reminds mevof smores
7:38 lominsky-1: i think the positive display looks nicer
7:38 rsbohn: Hot swappable!
7:38 DrenBoy: lol @ericwertz
7:38 mjusticz: Haha my chat doesn't show up when I type in all caps
7:38 costacoast: espresso ready status
7:38 wtfwtfdef: campfire smores
7:38 jkCBWPnet: thats just backlight
7:38 mryan923: Q: What cameras do you use to film the show
7:38 Hooloovoo: I also like the fact that pins are across the top and bottom
39 fightcube: CRACK IT OPEN!
7:39 mryan923: Thanks
7:39 fightcube: lol
7:39 socket11: are they 3volt?
7:39 wtfwtfdef: aall ur base
7:39 wtfwtfdef: dragon double
7:39 yardleydobon: photopic response
7:39 hammerhead74k: Also, you are most sensitive to green...
7:40 JMartinez9: Q: do you have code for adruino to do rgb led color cycle? like the icufflink uses?
7:40 fightcube: blackberry pearls have RGB and W leds in the ball mouse thing
7:40 AngrySpinach: Q: Do you prefer the positive or negative ones?
7:40 wtfwtfdef: the best game for atari
7:40 ransomhall-1: bit band on arduino
7:40 lookwhatjoeysmaking: whin will u b back in stock of the data loging shield for arduino
7:40 ransomhall-1: bit bang
7:40 RobotGrrl: ohh i made some rgb colour cycle :O
7:40 georgegraves: Q: Hpw
7:40 ADAbot: joey, in a week or so
7:40 Duckie58: Any news on availability of the Ethernet Shield?
7:41 DrenBoy: lol a gothy lcd
7:41 ransomhall-1: nice
7:41 lookwhatjoeysmaking: thank you
7:41 hammerhead74k: And what you are juxtaposing it with...
7:41 georgegraves: Q: What's more daylight readable?
7:41 AngrySpinach: SHINIES
7:41 socket11: What drink tonight?
7:41 rsbohn: super effective!
7:41 mryan923: im gonna buy sone
7:41 mryan923: some
7:41 lookwhatjoeysmaking: how much per foot
7:41 scott-42: Breckenridge Avalanche Amber Style
7:41 PanGoat: pretty
7:41 AngrySpinach: TRIPPY
7:41 wtfwtfdef: ravre
7:42 wtfwtfdef: ravehard
7:42 SierraNevada1: Nice
7:42 PanGoat: where's my tiny backpack?
7:42 mjusticz: Q: How many ground up unicorns/foot?
7:42 AngrySpinach: electronics lab rave
7:42 DrenBoy: woot! looks like thhe stuff Latrell wears in "white chicks"
7:42 mark8675: Why to Goths only use mastercard? Because they are not Visa Goths
7:42 fightcube: you know life is good when you put up shelves and say "we should really fill these up with stuff"....
7:42 hammerhead74k: Looks really pink from here!
7:42 georgegraves: That green is such a great color.
7:42 socket11: Q: Do you buy it by color?
7:42 lookwhatjoeysmaking: ther need to be a el wire shield fore arduino
7:42 AlbertStraub: I could write my daughter's name in cursive with that!
7:42 mryan923: adabot- not el wire belts today
7:42 jkCBWPnet: i got wiz200web as ethshield sold out and am having problems with the config
7:42 Jac_Goudsmit: Alright this is officially the shiniest object of the show today
7:42 ADAbot: $12 for 2.5m
7:42 ADAbot:
7:43 AngrySpinach: Q: Can you make your own inverter?
7:43 wtfwtfdef: yah righ burningmsan
7:43 socket11: Q: color by power?
7:43 wtfwtfdef: thats liike 30ooo miles from u
7:43 AlbertStraub: I want to wind my own torroids but I keep snarling up the wire.
7:43 lookwhatjoeysmaking: is ther a el wire shield for arduino
7:43 fightcube: Q: what voltage and current do these require?
7:44 ericwertz: color can be a verb
7:44 yachris: Adaverb!
7:44 mjusticz: Q: How many ground up unicorns/foot?
7:44 scott-42: Burning man is so fun
7:44 hammerhead74k: It's a pain to do... not recommended if you are just trying to light some wire up.
7:44 mryan923: Scott- yeah love it
7:44 fightcube: Q: not frequency... current?
7:44 lookwhatjoeysmaking: is ther a el wire shield for arduino?
7:44 wtfwtfdef: 2cb an burning man
7:44 Jac_Goudsmit: don't connect them straight to the wall outlet kids
7:44 Maz60525: Q
7:44 Maz60525: Q:
7:44 hammerhead74k: It's an AC thing...
7:44 zerth: Q: How many ground up unicorns/foot?
7:44 WaltertheRobot: Take care of your feet while at burning man --no one ever tells anyone that
7:45 clothbot: lookwhatjoeysmaking: there's an "EL Escudo" that Sparkfun carries.
7:45 ransomhall-1: Maz - testing your Q:s?
7:45 socket11: THX!
7:45 richms: Jac_Goudsmit- I have several nightlights that do just that with EL sheet, and only a capacitor to limit current
7:45 fightcube: ohhh, thanks hammerhead
7:45 Jac_Goudsmit: INOYSDA
7:45 AngrySpinach: NOOOOOOOO not an ad!!!
7:45 mark8675: it's not out yet so don't ask
7:45 ericwertz: 0.01 unicorn feet/ft
7:45 wtfwtfdef: shhhh
7:45 AngrySpinach: lol
7:45 DrenBoy: pls stream dont die
7:45 mjusticz: lol
7:45 mjusticz: thanks for the spec
7:45 mark8675: please stand by
7:45 mjusticz: we need the unicorn datasheet
7:45 hammerhead74k: Hey - what about the... oh, nevermind, it's not out yet...
7:45 jkCBWPnet: look up capacitance
7:45 LapsusAntepedis: Whiteboards and elbows
7:45 zerth: the elbow isn't bad
7:45 socket11: Looks like an arm!
7:45 Len17: It must be a prototype.
7:45 Hooloovoo: oooh
7:45 fightcube: SHINEY!!!!!!!!
7:45 mjusticz: What's the butterfly's name?
7:45 ransomhall-1: ohhoho
7:45 Zadster: Mmm EL tape
7:45 AngrySpinach: oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh
7:45 ericwertz: noone has ever found a unicorn datasheet
7:45 clothbot: sweet!
7:45 lookwhatjoeysmaking: is ther a el wire shield for arduino
7:45 DrenBoy: woooooooo
7:45 lominsky-1: whoah
7:46 SierraNevada1: woooo
7:46 Nashblackcat: WANT !!!
7:46 fightcube: damn now that's awexome
7:46 mjusticz: it adhesive backed?
7:46 yachris: Jac -- looks like somehting more shiny!
7:46 ubbeauty: ไฝ ๅฅฝ
7:46 Jac_Goudsmit: OK I stand corrected, this is more shiny that the EL wire hahaha
7:46 Maz60525: Q: how much are those
7:46 fightcube: oh course it's adhesive backed!
7:46 mk007: Tron!!!
7:46 AngrySpinach: I see tweeting sweatband type thing
7:46 socket11: Q: Power?
7:46 mjusticz: maz: it's not out yet so don't ask
7:46 zerth: not out yet, don't ask
7:46 mryan923: Q: Are the samples you recieve free?
7:46 DrenBoy: maor tron bags ;p
7:46 JMartinez9: Q: how long does el last? before is becomes dim or burns out?
7:46 jmcglinn: I wasn't to interested in the wire, but this tape is cool
7:46 BennettBenson: Same price? $12 for 2.5 meters?
7:46 mjusticz: NOT OUT YET SO DON'T ASK
7:46 macman320: So whats the advantage to scotch tape?
7:46 fightcube: I wanna stick that all over the freaking place
7:46 varmogan-1: dxvfxc
7:46 Zadster: could do some seriously cool cycling gear for winter with that
7:46 mjusticz: noysda
7:46 wtfwtfdef: q: Tft or other tech?
7:46 zool: lol wha
7:46 mryan923: wow
7:46 delozfamily: wow
7:46 DrenBoy: OMFGGG
7:46 AngrySpinach: even cooler!!!!!!!!
7:46 mjusticz: OMG
7:46 ktownsend: It's like 1980s music videos all over again!
7:46 ransomhall-1: palpitating heart
7:46 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: i like
7:46 AngrySpinach: That is sooooooooooo cool
7:46 addidis: disco floor
7:46 clothbot: Finally! I can replace the EL sheet in my old Newton!
7:47 macman320: ๐
7:47 delozfamily: I am freaking out too
7:47 fightcube: Tron Suit!
7:47 Zadster: woah thats huge sheet
7:47 wtfwtfdef: tft panel
7:47 hammerhead74k: @Adabot/ladyada - yeah, leave off the adhesive backing...
7:47 zerth: jmartinez9 about 3000 hours for the wire, depending
7:47 AngrySpinach: BEST THING EVER
7:47 macman320: YESS
7:47 lookwhatjoeysmaking: thats awsom
7:47 socket11: Great Back light!
7:47 zool: lol pretty cool
7:47 Hooloovoo: WANT!
7:47 macman320: YUMMEH
7:47 lominsky-1: that is awesome!
7:47 Miaximus: q: From Tron!
7:47 Miaximus: ๐
7:47 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: must buy....
7:47 DrenBoy: omggggg
7:47 georgegraves: Q: Can you cut it while it's lit?
7:47 ericwertz: yum, EL tacos
7:47 fightcube: EAT IT!
7:47 varmogan-1: does it work with ac or dc
7:47 AngrySpinach: GLOWING BURRITO
7:47 Zadster: How much do I want a coat made out of EL sheet...
7:47 DrenBoy: run!! decepticons enroute for energy cubez
7:47 clothbot: georgegraves: you'd short it out with metal shears.
7:47 swantron: wait...what
7:47 zerth: varmogan-1 AC
7:47 rsbohn: Q: does it buzz (power supply buzz?)
7:47 JoeBanks: Please hold up an el tape against panel..think of el signs?
7:47 socket11: never cut something powered!
7:47 hammerhead74k: Greetings, Programs! ๐
7:47 mjusticz: no then you'd let out the magic blue smoke
7:47 Nashblackcat: lol
7:47 georgegraves: LOL
7:47 mark8675: billboard advertisers would love this
7:47 clothbot: The red wire!!!
7:48 georgegraves: I had to ask.
7:48 daidny: lol
7:48 bigbodynobrain: if you have to disarm a bomb
7:48 Zadster: shocking ๐
7:48 AngrySpinach: The unicorns escape
7:48 AlbertStraub: Q: Any chance of you ever offering a AD9851 DDS Signal Generator kit?
7:48 DrenBoy: unles you're cutting the red wire
7:48 fightcube: laser trimming resistors ?
7:48 Nashblackcat: I want this for hockey season !
7:48 wtfwtfdef: q: tft technology?
7:48 hammerhead74k: You like your heart in operational condition, right?
7:48 Nashblackcat: ๐
7:48 physics_dude: q: I'll be in NY,NY for the first time next week. Any tips?
zerth slaps wtfwtfdef around a bit with a large trout
7:48 swantron: valid suggestion
7:48 lominsky-1: moma
7:48 mjusticz: Q: How to cat?
7:48 lookwhatjoeysmaking: is ther a el wire shield for arduino
7:48 ericwertz: you can with special Darwin cutters
7:48 wtfwtfdef: o sorry dont ask
7:48 WaltertheRobot: Does fire have mass?
7:48 fightcube: joey, yes there is one
7:48 lookwhatjoeysmaking: is ther a el wire shield for arduino?
7:48 fightcube: yes
7:48 clothbot: lookwhatjoeysmaking: see the EL Escudo shield:
7:48 lookwhatjoeysmaking: were
7:49 mark8675: how about admiral questions
7:49 Duckie58: any idea when the ethernet shield will be in stock?
7:49 lookwhatjoeysmaking: o thank you
7:49 Shiftlock: How fast does the EL wire light up after power is applied?
7:49 yachris: Q: Got an existing circuit I'd like to control, how can I tell if an optoisolater will not be destroyed?
7:49 lominsky-1: how would you determine the frequency of a rfid
7:49 daidny: When will the Arduino Ethernet shields be back in stock?
7:49 varmogan-1: what type of connectors are on the flexible led strips
7:49 Miaximus: q: Any tools like Fritzing that is easier to use for the newbie hacker?
7:49 socket11: Q: What touch screen would you recommend for pushing advertising to?
7:49 georgegraves: Q: Your product list has about doubled in the past year or two, how are you dealing with storage?
7:49 WaltertheRobot: does fire have mass?
in... what is tonight's code?
7:50 zerth: Q: what george said
7:50 ransomhall-1: Walter - part of the fire does
7:50 Jac_Goudsmit: saytest: WEB
7:50 saytest: thanks
7:50 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: an ad?
7:50 addidis: WEB
7:50 s52e36: q: do you guys do tours? I wanna play with mosfet next time I'm in nyc ๐
7:50 wtfwtfdef: hackity hack
7:51 varmogan-1: how to you interface the el with a micro controller?
7:51 wtfwtfdef: ruby learn tool
7:51 georgegraves: Yes! Can't wait!
7:51 clothbot: I *so* need more storage!
7:51 ubbeauty: ๆๅฎ
7:51 AlbertStraub: I
7:51 addidis: cursed random ad
7:51 richms: do you store everything there or do you have a lockup somewhere else?
7:51 AlbertStraub: i'm amazed there is manufacturing in Manhattan.
7:51 Miaximus: The shop will look like a submarine full of supplies before long ๐
7:51 mark8675: store soft things overhead
7:51 marty200: m
7:52 ransomhall-1: ponoko is great for custom enclosures
7:52 jmcglinn: What beet was that? Looked like an Optimator
7:52 RabLabit: My 5 meter LED strip lights up with 9v and much lower amperage than normal 20ma per LED rating. Will under powering the strip hurt it?
7:52 ransomhall-1: fairly cheap too
7:52 wtfwtfdef: q: what beer u drink tonight?
7:52 swantron: what sort of beer is that?
7:52 socket11: Q: Which touch screen have you used that can handle a realtime push of picture or video?
7:52 AlbertStraub: Q: Ever think of making your PC board mounting holes spaced so they fit in an off the shelf Radio Shack project box?
7:52 Miaximus: Love da mega]
7:52 hammerhead74k: @socket11 - how about a tablet? iPad or Galaxy Tab etc?
7:53 ericwertz: MCP23008/23016s come in DIP packages
7:53 varmogan-1: can you sell a diy arduino mega at any point?
7:53 Jac_Goudsmit: Radio Shack has project boxes?
7:53 wtfwtfdef: multimux
7:53 socket11: Has to be static!
7:53 AngrySpinach: Q: Have you jailbroken your iPad?
7:53 mark8675: Q: could you do a video tour?
7:53 hammerhead74k: @socket11 - define that. Static? How so?
7:53 SilentDirge: Q; why are cr1212 batteries so difficult to find?
7:53 zizbug: Are you planning a really small android plug-in adapter with the API capable Arduino on it?
7:54 ktownsend: You really want FPGA for real time video, but that's a headache as well
7:54 wtfwtfdef: tegra can hanfdle dual 1080 steream
7:54 mjusticz: Radioshack project boxes come in terrrrible sizes
7:54 mjusticz: .
7:54 lookwhatjoeysmaking: do u have a 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield kit
7:54 mjusticz: look: no
7:54 clothbot: Just design all your boards to Lego peg spacing and you'll be set forever. ๐
7:54 socket11: Single space and going to a touch screen that has basic function.
7:54 AlbertStraub: Wow. A 3x3x3 led cube would be cool. You'd probably have to air-ball wire it.
7:54 Zadster: they should put a video camera on mosfet for a day
7:54 Jac_Goudsmit: I know Fry's has some project boxes and they're all almost but not quite completely unusable for anything
7:54 rsbohn: Q: what about mega with pins instead of sockets (or no headers)?
7:54 AlbertStraub:
7:54 mark8675: It's actually a TARDIS
7:55 AlbertStraub:
7:55 fightcube: Q: Did you look up the Femtoduino?
7:55 Miaximus: I have a pony!
7:55 hammerhead74k: WHAT?!?!? No PONIES???
7:55 socket11: no
7:55 Shiftlock: Do you have a pony?
7:55 Jac_Goudsmit: No unicorn tho
7:55 varmogan-1: How much do you love NY?
7:55 lookwhatjoeysmaking: im curintly working on the 3x3x3 led cube
7:55 AngrySpinach: Q: Are the DHTxx sensors more accurate for tempurature than your other tempurature sensors?
7:55 clothbot: flame-thrower ponies!
7:55 Miaximus: Ponies!
7:55 mjusticz: Stephen colbert referenced to bronies the other night and it made my life complete
7:55 lookwhatjoeysmaking: shield
7:55 wtfwtfdef: hyundai pny
7:55 wtfwtfdef: pony
7:55 SilentDirge: Q; how bad is it to under power an electronic device? Voltage and amperage?
7:56 hammerhead74k: (I am surrounded by actual horses... don't have any myself, though)
7:56 socket11: RTMF!
7:56 varmogan-1: Ill trade you a Charzard for a pickachu?
7:56 musashibaka: Can you recommend a good intro to microcontroller book?
7:56 SilentDirge: Fyi cr1212 do exist. I was surprised to find them on ebay, but very low kwh
7:56 Miaximus: Love Manhattan - someday I will snap a photo in front of adafruit!
7:56 yona75: Q; Can your RFID breakout handle HID iClass cards or only Mifare ?
7:56 ransomhall-1: musa - put a Q: in htere
7:56 Miaximus: (from the sidewalk)
7:56 clothbot: For chips, they are usually only characterized to +/-10% voltages in the fab models.
7:56 fightcube: Silent, it's not bad at all if you are trying to power starve some circuit bent music devices ๐
7:57 AngrySpinach: Q: What's your favourite non-arduino microcontroller?
7:57 wtfwtfdef: q: i lov u pt&ladyada
zerth slaps wtfwtfdef around a bit with a large trout
7:57 Maz60525: Q: will u have more arduino books in stock
7:57 mjusticz: Q: Could you make something with the same output as a bridge-rectifier out of MOSFETs?
7:58 hammerhead74k: Um... why?
7:58 Zadster: its ronous rectification
7:58 daidny: Beginning Arduino was a good book for me but he makes the programming a little more complex than is needed.
7:58 Zadster: *synchronous
7:58 jkCBWPnet: those are just diodes what do u mean output?
7:58 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: bugs are attracted to my screen
7:58 LapsusAntepedis: Q: Any plans for a stepper driver kit
7:58 LapsusAntepedis: ah damn
7:58 LapsusAntepedis: lol
7:58 AlbertStraub: Synchronous rectification.
7:58 ubbeauty: active rectifier
7:58 ADAbot: lapus: yes ๐
7:58 varmogan-1: Q. can you increase the memory for an arduino
7:58 LapsusAntepedis: Awesome ๐
7:58 Miaximus: Trivia is great!
7:58 georgegraves: woot!
7:58 addidis: lap check out my site i just posted schematics and board for one
7:58 ericwertz: the Motor Shield will drive a stepper
7:58 richms: oooh nice..
7:59 socket11: q: dOES mosfeat pull his own weight?
7:59 ransomhall-1: EL Wire?
7:59 RobotGrrl: ericwertz: only 4 wire
7:59 richms: shame I won before ๐
7:59 SierraNevada1: ugh advertisement
7:59 Zadster: use firefox
7:59 yardleydobon: tim berners-lee, cern, mosaic
7:59 yachris: Cats ALWAYS pull their own weight ๐
7:59 hammerhead74k: @varmorgan - no, the RAM is in the AVR processor.
7:59 Miaximus: I won before - so Good Luck everyone!!!
7:59 mjusticz: Jon Postel
7:59 RabLabit: Al Gore
7:59 yardleydobon: mosaic
7:59 Jac_Goudsmit: not the Internet, jusst the web
7:59 LapsusAntepedis: ericwertz: Problem is I need to drive 3 or 4 for a CNC, a whole sheild for one would not work
7:59 zerth: easy
7:59 reportingsjr: European Organization for Nuclear Research
7:59 enzyox: mosaic
7:59 mryan923: Whats the best way to learn to use an xbee
7:59 zizbug: central european research nuclear someting
7:59 DrenBoy: conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleair
7:59 reportingsjr: yay ๐
7:59 ericwertz: you might want to lok into the GrblSHield then
7:59 ADAbot: reportingsjr:
7:59 ADAbot: European Organization for Nuclear Research
7:59 ericwertz: it has at least 3 motor drivers on it
7:59 Miaximus: Yay!
8:00 addidis: lapsus, check the link i sent u in pm
8:00 ktownsend: Hey
8:00 socket11: COOL!
8:00 DrenBoy: very cool
8:00 addidis: its a schematic for one ,
8:00 delozfamily: yeah cern
8:00 ktownsend: It's in French ... I want the accents too! ๐
8:00 Hooloovoo: ach - aht was fast - nice job reportingsjr
8:00 rsbohn: CERN!
8:00 DrenBoy: go darpa!!!
8:00 wtfwtfdef: hah darpa
8:00 hammerhead74k: OK - what does NCSA stand for?
8:00 RabLabit: Open Source LHC
8:00 wtfwtfdef: dazrpa is involved with camera tv's
8:00 mdmb54: test
8:00 wtfwtfdef: big brother her4 to watch you
8:00 saytest: i used to work for ibiblio/metalab it is the 3rd site on the planet ๐
8:00 socket11: Do they not have a collider also?
8:00 mdmb54: yay, i can chat
8:00 RobotGrrl: ericwertz: forget my 4 wire comment before x]
8:00 yachris: National Center for Superconfusing Applications ๐
8:00 wtfwtfdef: full 20000000 dpi camera/tft displays
8:00 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: lucky
8:00 AlbertStraub: MOSFET!
8:00 Zadster: lol poor Mosfet
8:00 mark8675: Mosfet!!
8:00 Miaximus: Tron Cat!
8:00 fightcube: Q: What do you think about an Open Hardware Name Badge that's hightly hackable?
8:00 hammerhead74k: Yup! Alas... no prize for that one.
8:00 yachris: MOSFET!
8:00 LapsusAntepedis: haha
8:00 BennettBenson: Conseil Europรฉen pour la Recherche Nuclรฉaire
8:00 RabLabit: Tron Cat!
8:00 DrenBoy: what an ebil laugh!!
8:00 Zadster: Looooong cat
8:00 Len17: They always put it on the poor cat.
8:00 AlbertStraub: Units of cat.
8:00 delozfamily: its about 4 cats
8:00 Miaximus: lol
8:01 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: long cat is long
8:01 macman320: STICK IT ON TEH KITTEH
8:01 saytest: cat measuring tool
8:01 Hooloovoo: blue!
8:01 richms: POOR CAT!
8:01 RabLabit: Non standard cat units
8:01 LapsusAntepedis: both!
8:01 DrenBoy: inventing the hover cat
8:01 ericwertz: me OW
8:01 AlbertStraub: Yea MOSFET!
8:01 mdmb54: he's so calm, that's crazy
8:01 Zadster: Mosfets thinking "oh jeez, more EL wire"
8:01 macman320: :3
8:01 Miaximus: Heheheh
8:01 delozfamily: space cat
8:01 LapsusAntepedis: EL collar
8:01 Hooloovoo: better than a bell!
8:01 zerth: q: troncat
8:01 yardleydobon: that is a chill cat
8:01 yachris: Yay mosfet ๐
8:01 socket11: Why am I getting a commerical?
8:01 dlovearl: How many cats long are the EL wire?
8:01 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: WRAP EL ON ALL THE THINGS
8:01 RabLabit: Kitty Zap
8:01 LapsusAntepedis: I know what my next project is
8:01 wtfwtfdef: mostfest just licked the elwire
8:01 DrenBoy: i bet mosfet hates sat nite
8:01 Miaximus: ooo I can even hear the whine of the inverter
8:01 Shiftlock: Someone call the ASPCA
8:01 wtfwtfdef: its tastey
8:01 Zadster: It does look super cool though, I must admit
8:01 richms: Tron kitty
8:01 Improviser: Wait till he bites it
8:01 mark8675: Look into Mosfets eyes and receive instructions for the feline overthrow of the Earth
8:01 Jac_Goudsmit: socket11: Because you didn't install Adblock plus
8:01 mdmb54: lol
8:01 ubbeauty: "troncat" -- good one
8:01 addidis: till he bites it
8:01 swantron: can i haz dignity.....NO
8:01 JoeBanks: helllo, I must be glowing?
8:01 JG1000-2: Nice collar..!
8:01 georgegraves: Yup!
8:01 socket11: He hates cameras!
8:01 Miaximus: Great Show!!!
8:01 macman320: mosfet would nevwer be able to hide then...
Zadster pats Mosfet
8:01 delozfamily: that's a product, godd idea Lady Ada
8:01 DrenBoy: lol @swantron
8:01 fightcube: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz peace out
8:01 RabLabit: Tron Fruit
8:01 ericwertz: his future (and present) is bright
8:01 addidis: see ya , have a good weekend !
8:01 Duckie58: Thanks Adafruit!
8:02 Miaximus: RiderNet next weekend!
8:02 JG1000-2: Thanks -great show..!
8:02 AlbertStraub: Thank you for the show! Great fun! Bye!
8:02 mark8675: All hail our feline overlords!
8:02 wtfwtfdef: dont take a deal from ABC Kjust yet
8:02 DrenBoy: ahaha
8:02 mdmb54: does anyone else here a static/poping noise?
8:02 LapsusAntepedis: hahaha
8:02 wtfwtfdef: wait them out till the 10m,illion offer
8:02 ubbeauty: ๆๅฎ
8:02 t3h_blu3_cruies3r: thanks guys!
8:02 dlovearl: Neclace of Triskelion
8:02 socket11: You guys rock!
8:02 Jac_Goudsmit: Great show guys! Great show-ntell too
8:02 mjusticz: Q: Will you start giving prizes at show and tell?
8:02 PanGoat: great show. have a great night.
8:02 fightcube: kill me
8:02 georgegraves: and we are out.....................................................
8:02 SierraNevada1: Thanks guys....great show.....nite all
8:02 yachris: thanks!
8:02 delozfamily: ahhhhhh
8:02 mdmb54: bye!
8:02 yardleydobon: Q: Will you be renewed for a third season?
8:02 jkCBWPnet: thanx
8:02 Miaximus: ohm
8:02 macman320: zener.................................
8:02 RabLabit: Thanks fruits
8:02 wtfwtfdef: ohmm
8:02 hammerhead74k: I think the static is from the EL inverter, coupling into the mic input???
8:02 schnoggman: Fun as usual
8:02 mjusticz: ohmmmm
8:02 Len17: Thanks guys
8:02 excavatoree: Thanks, everybody.
8:02 SierraNevada1: bye from So Cal
8:02 Miaximus: Have a great week everyone!
8:02 wtfwtfdef: holy
8:02 fightcube: good show! loved the show and tell
8:02 RobotGrrl: thanks again ADAbot ^^
8:02 Hooloovoo: that was a fun show! thanks!
8:02 macman320: Thanks for another great show guys ๐
8:02 wtfwtfdef: i sweazr i typed something and it fle3w up[ the chat like a banchsheee
8:02 Jac_Goudsmit: That moment of Zener always makes me feel so non-linear
8:02 wtfwtfdef: i couldn’t see it in a secdond
8:02 JoeBanks: This is so cool! <- Field of Dreams quote
8:03 socket11: Thx george!
8:03 wtfwtfdef: i bet 10,09000 people are quitting inow
8:03 mdmb54: I just realized I had to get a Ustream account and not a Adafruit account to participate .. ๐
8:03 delozfamily: Thank you Adafruit!