Help the Open Source Hardware Summit!

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Folks, the Open Source Hardware Summit still needs some sponsor support. ANY ONE can sponsor the summit and every bit counts. If you enjoy the wonderful world of open source software and hardware PLEASE considering supporting the summit!

The Open Hardware Summit is a venue to discuss and draw attention to the open source hardware movement currently happening. The summit will focus on hardware as a system, thus involving conversations of software, management, and other factors surrounding open source hardware. In order to include as many participants as possible, we need the help of sponsors.

The summit is in its second iteration (the first one was September 2010) in partnership with MAKE and Makerfaire at the New York Hall of Science. Last year, 350 people came together to share knowledge about bringing open hardware to market, solving issues around open design, protocols and licensing, and showing their interesting products. Many more people watched online and got involved in the conversation through the forums and twitter. This year we’re expanding a bit this year to an overflow space in the cafeteria to make 450 seats available. Last year, the audience consisted of makers, students, small and large hardware companies, including industry players just beginning to educate themselves and share thoughts on open source hardware.

By sponsoring the Open Hardware Summit you’ll be helping to foster innovation within the open source hardware community.

What are you waiting for? Sponsor here!

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  1. I would consider sponsoring this event but since it’s so totally New York centered I leave that to the NY makers and NY companies that can attend.

  2. @per – that’s not correct, most/all of the sponsors are not from ny.

  3. I kicked in a few dollars… not much, but every little bit helps, right? 🙂

  4. @pete, thank you!

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