#ADA11 – Gabriella Levine, interactive artist and hardware designer…
Gabriella Levine is an interactive artist and hardware designer currently based in New York CIty. She works with a variety of physical mediums and digital technologies to create interactive environments that investigate new ways of representing information. She attended Cornell University beginning in 2003, studying classical piano and biology, and then transferred to Oberlin College, where she graduated in 2007 with a biology degree. After graduation, she worked as a cancer researcher at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, then moved to Oregon to work as a wildland firefighter. She currently attends ITP at NYU and works on a number of projects involving sustainable energy techniques, doing hardware development and collaboration. Some of her current projects include: Weeels, a cell phone application to facilitate taxi sharing; Reflecting the Stars, an interactive public art installation on the Hudson River with the Windmill Factory, based on recreating constellations of the night sky which cannot be seen due to light pollution; Protei, a fleet of low-cost, open-source robotic oil-collecting sailboats; and S_OIL, a human powered interactive installation, at Eyebeam, with Maria Michails, integrating mechanical energy with an electronic irrigation system of networked plants.
Go Gaby!
wow what a cool sounding lady.
ur passion rocks!