NEW PRODUCT – Discover Electronics Kit – 2.0. Discover Electronics Kit contains everything you need to learn the basics of electronics and make your own projects. It contains the most common electronics components as well as a prototyping breadboard for you to get started right away. Easy full color diagrams teach you how to bring your own ideas to life.The Discover electronics kit uses standard components. All of these parts can be used by the beginner or the advanced user. As you grow and learn all of the parts in the kit are still useful in more advanced projects and can be expanded on by using additional parts.
Requires 4 AA batteries. NOT INCLUDED
The kit comes with clear, solderless breadboard and a simple battery pack. Clearly labeled parts and simple directions means you can have your first circuit up and running in minutes.
The manual explains whats going on inside. Illustrations aid in understanding.
Not just an electronics kit; online resources turn the kit into a video course pack.
You can double check your work against the photographs.
Sparkle Labs is made up of designers and teachers. The Discover Electronics Kit is designed to make learning electronics easy and fun. It is a curated selection of the basic parts to get started and learning right away. They are standard components and are still useful when you are ready to build your own projects. More then just a kit, it is an online, video course which you can access here: Discover Electronics Course.
More photos here.
- Transparent Solderless Breadboard
- AA Battery Holder
- 2 Alligator clips
- 2 NPN Transistors
- 2 Diodes
- 2 5V Voltage Regulators
- 2 Photoresistors
- 10 LEDs (Various Cool Colors)
- Speaker
- DIP Switch
- 1k, 10k, and 100k Potentiometer
- 556 Timer IC
- 2 Buttons
- Jumper Wires
- Multiple Value Resistors
- Multiple Value Ceramic and Electrolytic Capacitors
- 32 page Instruction Manual
This kit is RoHS compliant – Parts do not contain lead, cadmium or other harmful elements.
Add 2 or 3 556 timers for the individuals who aren’t perfect especially since this is a intro to electronics kit