Wiring 1.0 Release – Brett sent in the word…
“This release is a milestone for open hardware. It is the sum of work and contributions from many, and the synthesis of ideas gathered and experimented in the last seven years. At the same time, it is also a start, as once again Wiring has opened up prototyping with electronics to wider audiences by defining an extensible architecture for future hardware, software and courseware; where novice, intermediate and experts will materialize their ideas, design and support for their new open hardware devices as well as develop applications unlocking new ways of thinking, and making, in an even simpler way.” — Hernando Barragán
What’s New in Wiring 1.0?
Wiring 1.0 supports almost 80% of the Atmel megaAVR microcontrollers with it’s Atmel 8 Bit AVR Framework core. As soon as Wiring 1.1 is released, new Framework cores for other microcontroller series and vendors will be added, including AVR XMEGA, Atmel tinyAVR, Texas Instruments MSP430, Microchip PIC32 series, and STMicroelectronics ARM Cortex M3.When Hernando created Wiring in 2003, his goal was to create a platform which was easy to use, both in hardware and software, but it was only for a limited amount of hardware. In Wiring 1.0, we have expanded the vision to make the Wiring Framework easily portable to a lot more hardware. This vision allows the Wiring Framework to unite the programming of different brands of microcontrollers, enabling an easy way for artists, hardcore hobbyists, and even engineers to share code and ideas despite using different hardware.
For example, you can use the same sketch you use with your Wiring S board on a LeafLabs Maple. The Wiring S board uses an Atmel megaAVR controller, whereas the LeafLabs Maple uses an STMicroelectronics ARM Cortex M3 controller.
The merits of this may speak for itself, but we see the idea of people being able to share ideas and concepts no matter what type of hardware they use as a unique and expressive concept.
If you have a microcontroller series that you’d like to see use the Wiring Framework, please contact [email protected].
Along with the release, Wiring has a new affordable prototyping board to use with the Wiring Framework, called the Wiring S. It uses the Atmel ATmega644PA microcontroller, with 64 kilobytes of flash (code) memory, and 4 kilobytes of RAM.
By buying the Wiring hardware, you help support the development of Wiring.
More detail on the release here: http://wiring.org.co/
More detail on the hardware can be found here: