Special ASK AN ENGINEER 1/14/12 – A tour of the Arduino factory!

Adafruit Ask Engineer

Ladyada, Kevin and PT did a tour of the Arduino factory in beautiful Torino, Italy. We took many photos, some videos and more. On this weekend’s ASK AN ENGINEER we will go photo by photo (and video) and talk about all the wonderful machines, tools and people that make the Arduino. Tune in this Saturday at 10pm ET 1/14/12.

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We’d like to also thank everyone at the Arduino team and supporting company’s for being so kind and generous during our stay.

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Phil even got to visit his ancestral hometown, home of “TORRONE”.

For now, feel free to enjoy the slideshow (and photo set). Ciao!

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  1. Very nice, hope you had a great time, and thanks for sharing! Look forward to Saturday.

  2. Bravo! Looking forward to the show.

  3. Thats a lotta a spaghetti!

  4. Any word on the 32-bit Due?

  5. I wonder if you can make money in Open Source unless you actually own a PCB factory like them?

  6. @Liam.ada – there isn’t a date or announcement from the arduino team, when there is we will cover it here immediately.

  7. @Miros2424 – adafruit (and most open source) companies do not have a PCB factory and we/they make money.

  8. Any word on the Leonardo?

  9. @mike – we saw some finished ones, they’re awesome!

  10. awesome, nice to see this, thanks

  11. adafruit in italy!? in cremona!? wow!
    you are so close to me… let me know if you will go to naples!

    fate tante foto!


  12. Here http://twitter.com/arduino on the Arduino twitter page, they said on Dec. 19, 2011 that the Due would be coming out in beta in January this year, so any day now until that happens, if those are still the plans anyway.

  13. nice capcha

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