Crowdsourced Adventure Game Passes Funding Goal in Less Than 24 Hours
Tim Schafer is a legend in the adventure game universe. His name is attached to some of the finest examples of the genre (Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, the Monkey Island series, and Day of the Tentacle), and he’s also just a pretty cool guy. So, when he decided to do a crowdsourced adventure game (“Double Fine Adventure”), I knew it’d make some heads turn. What I didn’t know is just how fast it would happen. In less than 24 hours, Double Fine Adventure has passed it’s funding goal of $400,000 by almost 40% and, with over a month to go before funding ends, is on track to be one of the most successful Kickstarters of all time.
In a way, the Kickstarter is actually two symbiotic projects working together. The game itself is being produced by Double Fine Productions, while 2 Player Productions will be filming the development for release as regular updates to the backers, as well as a documentary about the game.
The underlying premise of the Kickstarter was to make a game that was not beholden to the restrictions, NDAs and creative frustrations that come from working with a game studio. Instead, the process would be more open and transparent, with fans seeing first-hand how the game is developed. I think the overwhelming success of this Kickstarter also sends a very clear message, which is why I’m posting it here: being open with your customers is a good thing and can be very lucrative and successful. Whether it’s sharing your working experience (as Double Fine is doing here), or sharing what you know and how your stuff works (as Adafruit does), there are a lot of people out there who appreciate it.
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I jumped on this bandwagon at about 9am EST and it was just over 500K. Now (12:30) it’s at ~700K. Unbelievable!
Its cracked $1M sometime in the past few hours.