See @dalepd, founder of MAKE on CNN today @cnnthenextlist @sanjayguptaCNN

Nextlist 1
Nextlist 2

We reposting a post from MAKE, we want to help get the word out. Dale, the founder of MAKE will be on CNN, please watch and share this. The more interest in makers, the more mainstream media coverage the maker movement will get.

In the lead-up to tomorrow’s Dale Dougherty/MAKE segment on “The Next List” (Sunday, 2pm EST), CNN has posted an article by Dale entitled How to Make More ‘Makers’ – and Why It Matters.

Makers start with that simple idea to do something, which is why we call it DIY – for “do it yourself.” Soon, however, they find out that there are lots of people like you out there. When you find others, you have a community and that community offers a place to show your work, trade tools and swap ideas, and just have fun.

We can find all kinds of makers in our communities. Yet we also want to help create more makers. Through education and community outreach, we can offer the opportunity to make things to more people, but particularly children. They might find these opportunities at school but also at community centers, summer camps and science centers, or even at home. My goal is that all people, young and old, come to see themselves as makers, creators and doers because I know that the people who have the skills and knowledge to make things have the power to make the world a better place.

The article also includes another video excerpt from “The Next List” piece.

Please Note: After the show tomorrow, Dale Dougherty (@dalepd) will be hosting a Q&A on twitter (#make). We hope you’ll join them!

How to Make More ‘Makers’ – and Why It Matters

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  1. If this was suppose to happen today (02/12) at 2pm EST, it was replaced by coverage of Whitney Huston’s death. 🙁

    I scheduled a reminder and was in front of my TV when it should have been on. Oh, well. Hopefully it will make the CNN website and we can link to it.

  2. Double check CNN and I found that they had indeed posted the video.

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