The greatest part of selling open source hardware is what happens after the sale. I am constantly surprised by the things people do with the Coobro Geo. People have emailed me pictures of hardware hacks, and sent me code that takes the device in a direction I had never dreamed of or thought possible. I know I am not alone in this, and have a strong feeling that anyone who has released open source hardware has spent time digging through Google searches and forums looking for projects that have used their hardware in unique ways. Here at Adafruit, and at my company, Coobro Labs, we want to celebrate these open source hardware hacks and upgrades. We want to do a better job of showcasing the hard work and ingenuity of our customers and their projects.
In order to bring attention to these projects, I have created a couple Open Source Upgrade badges. Anytime someone modifies a piece of open source hardware and adds to either the code, or the hardware, we will attach one of these badges of honor to the project. If you have a project that took a piece of open source hardware and gave it an upgrade, feel free to add the badge to your pictures or blog posts. Our goal here is to increase awareness of projects that would not have been possible (or would have been much harder) without open source hardware. To show people who are nervous about open sourcing their hardware that this is what open source hardware is all about.
I currently have two large badges in .png and .jpg formats ready to download. I will have multiple sizes available soon. Download the badges here.
It would be nice to have the source of the open source badges 😀
No problem, will upload the link with the ‘source’ images tonight!