Adafruit’s Circuit Playground update 1.0.2 is in Apple’s iTunes App Store! If you have 1.0 you automatically get the update for free. If you were on the fence, now is a great time to pick up our app! Here’s are the updates for 1.0.2
What’s New in Version 1.0.2
- Improved support for multiple region formats
- Clear buttons now available for text fields
- Additional tweaks & optimizations
As you can tell we’re working on updates and new features with this app. Best of all, when you buy the app you get a coupon for Adafruit store for the cost of the app!
“Very useful “by MakerMaker
Incredibly handy for anyone working in electronics. Perfect for engineers and non-engineers alike.
“Just what this hobbyist needs” by JoshuaUnwin
I love the clean look and focused tools in this app. It has earned a spot on my first home screen…
Circuit Playground simplifies electronics reference & calculation so you can have more fun hacking, making, & building your projects! This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.
- Decipher resistor & capacitor codes with ease
- Calculate power, resistance, current, and voltage with the Ohm’s Law & Power Calc modules
- Quickly convert between decimal, hexadecimal, binary or even ASCII characters
- Calculate values for multiple resistors or capacitors in series & parallel configurations
- Store, search, and view PDF datasheets
- Access exclusive sneak peaks, deals & discounts at Adafruit Industries
All that, plus updates with additional features & enhancements – MANY NEW CALCULATORS AND TOOLS being added! Not on iOS? An Android version is in the works 🙂 For now, if you’d like to support a cool Android app and developer check out ElectroDroid. Please scroll down here and watch the HD video below about Circuit Playground and check out the screen shots!
Circuit Playground – Made with love by Adafruit, Collin Cunningham, Limor Fried, Daigo Kawasaki, Mosfet and Phillip Torrone