Parallax BOEBot book: Chapter 1. Your Shield-Bot’s Brain

Parallax is writing some great companion documentation to go with the Board of Education shield bot kit for Arduino. Chapter 1 is all about your bot’s brain:

The activities in this text will guide you through building the mechanical parts and circuits that make the BOE Shield-Bot work. Then, you’ll write simple programs that make the Arduino and your robot do four essential robotic tasks:

Monitor sensors to detect the world around it
Make decisions based on what it senses
Control its motion (by operating the motors that make its wheels turn)
Exchange information with its roboticist (that will be you!)

The Parallax BOEBot Robot for Arduino Kit is in stock and shipping!

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  1. Do you have, or will you also be getting, the Board of Education Shield for Arduino — just the shield without the bot, for those of us who already have BOEbots? Looks like it ought to be about $30, which is a nice price (plus an Arduino, of course) to convert an existing BOEbot off the BASIC Stamp.

  2. we’ll look in to this, thank you!

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