Svelte Soldering Iron (AKA: Those Crazy Germans!)

This may well be the most overboard promotional video I’ve ever seen for a soldering iron (or any test/lab equipment!), but it had me itching to pull out the credit card and lay down 1000 EUR for the dual head station with the rework tweezers!

PS: Am I the only one that felt like this soldering station could single-handedly defeat the invading Roman hoards with that epic battle music?

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  1. I don’t know how I have managed with no USB port on my soldering station for 16 years.

  2. I know. I can understand not having USB host on low end soldering stations since you’re looking at ~$5 in parts … but they could at least start adding SD card slots on lower end models. How am I suppose to do any serious work without at least that? 🙂

  3. It needs an iPod dock too!

  4. Wow. It motivates me to add to my already digital soldering station. And my hot air station. And conquer gladiators.

    Stay away from the add to cart button….
    I do not need this.
    I will not buy this.
    I do not need this.
    I will not buy this.
    I do not need this.
    I will not buy this…

  5. Shut up and take my money, Weller!

    Well, maybe when my numbers come up…

  6. Well just bought an Weller WD1000M kit with the WD1M base and WMRP pen, it’s a nice piece of kit for micro-soldering. I looked at the new touchscreen-base, what are they thinking ? A base without tactile feedback is useless…

  7. I just don’t see the advantage to the end user to basically any of the new features in this unit.

    Why do I need to get my station into Spanish, Chinese, French and Japanese? It makes it easier to manufacture the unit.

    Why add a USB host? It makes firmware upgrades easier to apply. Why not make the software work out of the box?

  8. Wow, just when you thought heating a little metal spike was simple.

    I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this.

  9. at the “wfe change filters” message, did they forget the i?
    And it does need a dock instead of a screen, preferably android to lower the cost.

  10. And for all that effort in creating the advert, we never do get to see a) a solder joint actually being made or b) any desoldering. So, fancy device, but does it actually really work?

    I think I’ll be sticking with my sub-$100 Hakko temp-controlled soldering iron. With my ancient $10 Antex (UK, circa 1975) iron as backup. With nary a USB port or touch screen in sight.

    Good grief. People will buy this thing?

  11. I wouldn’t just criticize.
    I would try and think what the benefits can be.
    if you work in clean environments, with sensitive components (which I understand is not the case depicted) some things like fume extraction, temp control to the fraction of a degree etc, can be of benefit.

    sure, everyone has soldered and can solder with a $ 5 iron, but believe me, after so many years, I can’t be happier than when I use my ERSA Chip Tool (about $ 600 when I got it).
    it heats up in 5 seconds, it goes into standby mode, it has temperature control on the tip and very (VERY) good construction.
    had it for 6 years and it never flinched, I even bought tweezers tool for it ($ 250) and they work magically.
    you can extract most packages with side pins just by grabbing them.

    of course it lacks the iPhone dock and a touchscreen and fume extraction… but it will continue to do its damn good job (of course the hand is important too).
    Sure, I can solder with other tools, but using my ERSA makes me really happy and more productive.

    if I had to get one of these for my birthday I would not complain, but until the Chip Tool keeps running I won’t even consider buying it with my own money.

    thanks for the chance of throwing my 2cts in.

  12. I had work buy one of these for the rework guys. He was working on really tiny surface mount stuff, and he needed a good soldering iron. I first suggested a cheap Aoyue, but he didn’t like it, so the VP of the company said “buy the best”.

    This was the best.

    It heats up almost instantly, and even the small tip can heat up an entire board’s ground plane. It’s amazing how awesome this piece of kit is. Worth. Every. Penny.

  13. I WANT THIS!!!!

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