Software updates that deliver new “performance optimizations”, “stability enhancements”, etc … they’re nice and all, but you know what I like – new features! Version 1.1 of Adafruit’s Circuit Playground packs in quite a few of those nice new things. Let’s have look, shall we?
• 555 Timer Calculator
Designed to assist in the construction of 555-based oscillators and one-shot delay circuits, the 555 Timer Calc allows you to specify component values and find the resulting frequency/delay, or vise-versa. Those component values are also plugged right into the relevant schematic displayed for your referencing enjoyment.
• RC Cutoff Filter Calculator
Similar to the 555 Calc (though a bit simpler), the RC Filter Calc expedites the design of basic cutoff filters. Did you know that both high & low pass RC filters are calculated using the same equation? You did … ah, very good then. In case you’d like to reference said equation, you can find it shown at the bottom of this calc’s display.
• Microcontroller Reference
Need a pinout for the ATTiny2313? Then the Microcontroller Reference module is your friend, providing zoomable vector diagrams for popular Atmel chips – courtesy of our friends at Akafugu. More pinouts to come – any in particular you’d care to see added?
• Additional Additions
Several other elements have been spruced up as well, including a revamped index menu for iPhone/iPod as well as relevant equations displayed at the bottom of each calculator module. Users of the iPad 3 New iPad will also notice Playground’s graphics have been thoroughly retinatized (sp?), utilizing 200% more luxurious pixels than prior incarnations. Aah yes, pixel luxury … Oh and v1.1 does include quite a few of those slightly less glamorous enhancement & optimization type changes under the hood.
Big thanks to everyone who sent us user feedback for Circuit Playground. Version 1.1 is available now in the App Store, and as always, updates are free – more good stuff to come!
so when can we non-apple people expect an Android version?
hi john! good question – here’s our current thinking:
The AVR pinouts are great! Since you asked, I’d love to see a pinout for the 32U4 added, and the 2560 if possible?
Noted – thanks, Stefanie!
I would like to see a pinout of the SMD version of the 328 showing both atmega and arduino pin names, please.
An FTDI pinout would also be good.
awesome v2.00 ! when i pruchased CP last month i thought it was cute but more amusing than anything else, now with these new features, im absolutly thrilled. really guys, you rock.
nice sorprise too, i wasn’t expecting it.
small things in life , huh?
by the way, you home brew pseudo-captcha turing test with resistors? epic!