Apollo and Gemini computing systems program source code


Virtual AGC Links Page. Ronald writes –

Here you’ll find a collection of all the AGC, AGS, LVDC, and Gemini spacecraft computer documentation and software that I’ve managed to find whilst working on  Virtual AGC.  Every document on this page is archived here at Virtual AGC, regardless of whether it originated here or not.  In the early days I used to include only material I uncovered by my own efforts, but there have increasingly been contributions by readers, including some of the original AGC developers.  And there’s material here that has been duplicated from other Apollo-centric websites for your convenience; see the FAQ page for a list of the fine Apollo and Gemini websites I raided. Now, there is some value-added in this process, since I add searchable text to those PDFs which are image-only, as well as adding metadata and bookmark panes where they don’t exist.  My intention is to eventually provide one-stop-shopping for all of your Apollo and Gemini computing-system documentation needs. Note however, that I choose to duplicate only scanned or photographic images of the original documents.  In other words, I provide something as close to the “real thing” as I can.  On some sites, notably the Apollo Flight Journal and Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, great pains have been taken to produce HTML forms of the documents.  I do not duplicate those improved reformulations here, because that’s original work for which I think credit is due; so you will have to visit those sites to use those improved versions.

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1 Comment

  1. Also cool: This project, which re-built the Apollo 11 landing computer from scratch, in 7400 series TTL:


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