Fasteners for 3D Printed Plastics

I Heart Robotics has done a bunch of testing of the strength of different fasteners in 3D printed plastics.  They found the strongest bond was a brass threaded insert that is installed with a custom soldering iron tip.

Since you also have to buy machine screws, they are a little expensive at $0.15 each, in quantities of 100. These brass inserts perform better than expected. The soldering iron tip makes them incredibly easy to install and the holding strength is more than sufficient for anything you would be 3D printing in plastic.

Looks very strong, and aesthetically pleasing at the same time.  Check out their previous tests here, here, and here.

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  1. Was discussing this on the reprap irc and fragalot had a
    similar product and tried it out . Good results.

  2. These work best if you put some material between the threaded insert and the part your bolting up to. So, rather than inserting your bolt like the one in the picture, insert it from the opposite side of the block. This reduces the chances that the insert will simply pull out. Instead, it forces the bolt to pull the insert through the part, which is much more unlikely. It’s a little more work up front (drill the insert hole, and a through hole) but well worth it.

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