Peterson Goodwyn over at diyrecordingequipment is preparing a podcast with seasoned EE Duncan Gray. He writes:
One of the biggest obstacles for entry into the DIY community is that most of us arrive here from a music, not electronics background. We’ve all been there: you’re planning your next DIY project and the documentation casually tells you to “bias the transistor.” In that moment, very few of us want to be the one to ask, “umm…. what’s biasing?”
Well, now is your chance to ask all of those audio electronics questions you never found the right moment to ask! On Saturday, 6/9/2012 I’m recording a podcast with a real live EE who has volunteered to answer your questions. Please post your questions in the comments section by Friday, 6/8 and we’ll try to answer as many of them as we can. No question is too “dumb,” or too complex to ask.
Duncan Gray is an EE with over 30 years experience in the field, including a stint as a Senior Hardware Design Engineer for Digidesign. His areas of expertise include both analog and digital hardware design, audio transformers, power systems, and scientific programming. Many thanks in advance to Duncan for volunteering his time and expertise!
If you’ve got a question about audio design, be sure to head over there and post it in the comments over there so that he can include it in the podcast.