We’ve updated the WebIDE to 0.2.0. This is a fairly large release with most features being changed behind the scenes. The biggest change is a more robust, and faster installer. It can still take 3-4 minutes, but that’s down from 10-15!
The core of the editor has changed, so there won’t be a direct update for this from the previous alpha release. You’ll want to follow the instructions at the end of this post to get the latest version.
Here are some of the highlights of this release:
- New installer to resolve the majority of the issues in our first Alpha that folks ran into.
- Reduce memory consumption by 10-20mb.
- Run on port 80 instead of 3000. You can now simply type in “http://raspberrpypi.local”.
- Experimental /config page to change your hostname and wifi ssid and password (wifi only on Occidentalis thus far).
- Notification of activity while creating files and folders. Now you know it’s working!
- No longer tied to ‘pi’ user, creates a new ‘webide’ user as part of the installation.
- Various bug fixes.
The full set of release notes are located in our repository.
To install this new editor, you’ll want to completely remove your old editor, and run the installation script again.
- Ensure that your code is safely saved in your repository at bitbucket.org.
- Uninstall using the following script
- curl https://raw.github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-WebIDE/release/scripts/uninstall.sh | sh
- Either make sure there are no rogue node processes running, or restart your Pi.
- Install the new and improved WebIDE
- curl https://raw.github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-WebIDE/alpha/scripts/install.sh | sudo sh
If you’re curious as to what the installatin process is doing, you can easily review the script in our repository.
Please note: In order to easily access GPIO pins, the new ‘webide’ user has the same permissions as the default ‘pi’ user (sudo). If possible, a future release will remove sudo access as we improve the editor.
Please file any issues you run into, and we’ll do our best to fix them quickly.
I really love what you’ve done with this so far!
Only criticism though is that there’s no GitHub support 🙁 I’ve really heavily invested in GitHub already so only being able to use BitBucket is a bit of a showstopper. Even if you allowed the code to be synced to just a local Git repo or just simply saved locally as opposed to always being synced to BitBucket would be great! To be honest, I’d almost prefer the local option first… gives me more control.
Thanks for everything you do!
Superb work! But the installer still ends with “Navigate to http://raspberrypi.local to use the WebIDE” even though my hostname is not “raspberrypi” lol.
Thanks for the feedback!
@Adam I think we have an issue created for an ‘offline’ mode that we’d like to build. That would save everything to local repos, and you could push manually (or we could add a button to push, not sure). The key here is the IDE should work well for beginners as well as more advanced users. We’re mostly focusing on making it work great for beginners, and can slowly add in more advanced features as we go. I know I’d personally like some of these feature requests in an IDE!
@poglad 🙂 Yea, the editor just hard codes that path in the install.sh. I suppose I could just put in the valid hostname. I’ll create an issue. I’m guessing 90%+ of folks are using the default hostname, and those that changed it are technical, such as yourself, and know what’s up.
Nice job guys! So far so good. A nice find is that I can run *.js files under node! Might be nice to add *.coffee support as well… or make it configurable.
BTW, nice job with the Bitbucket integration!