We’ve released a new update to the WebIDE! If you’re already running 0.2.0, you can just update next time you sign in. If you’re on 0.1.9 or lower, please follow the instructions at the bottom of the post to get up and running on the latest version. If you’re not familiar with the WebIDE yet, we have some more details at the learning system.
The two biggest features are that the terminal is now inline with the editor so that it doesn’t disrupt your editing. It makes for much faster code changes. We’ve also added in a simple job scheduler so you could run a script “every 15 minutes”, or “after 5 hours”. It’s pretty neat, surely has some bugs to be discovered, and should be interesting to see how it gets used!
Here is the entirety of the changelog:
- Job scheduler for automating script execution. Run a script “every 15 minutes”, for example.
- Schedule manager for toggling jobs, and deleting jobs.
- Move terminal inline with the editor for faster run/code workflow.
- Focus editor when running code.
- Notifications while running scripts in editor bar.
- Focus the editor in many more situations, for example, when opening a file, it will give focus to the editor.
- Add “Command-Enter”, or “Ctrl-Enter” command to run scripts, this is in addition to “Command-S” and “Ctrl-S” to save when editor is focused.
- Update Bitbucket logos with new design.
- Add option to change port number in /config, and persist in Redis, surviving updates.
- Ensure only one instance of restartd is running during installation
- Add ALS Guide: tag to the initial Readme
- Message System for various notifications
- Explicitly set is_private when creating repositories
Thank you to everyone that has submitted issues in our issue tracker. It helps immensely to track down bugs, and just make the editor better for everyone.
Upgrading from 0.2.0
To install this new editor, you’ll want to completely remove your old editor, and run the installation script again.
- Ensure that your code is safely saved in your repository at bitbucket.org.
- Login to the editor.
- Click Update in the upper right.
- Update should take about a minute.
Upgrading From 0.1.9 and lower
To install this new editor, you’ll want to completely remove your old editor, and run the installation script again.
- Ensure that your code is safely saved in your repository at bitbucket.org.
- Uninstall using the following script
- curl https://raw.github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-WebIDE/release/scripts/uninstall.sh | sh
- Either make sure there are no rogue node processes running, or restart your Pi.
- Install the new and improved WebIDE
- curl https://raw.github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-WebIDE/alpha/scripts/install.sh | sudo sh
Also, follow this link to the GitHub repository for the project.
Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit, be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Have you tried the new “Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro” ? It’s our tweaked distribution for teaching electronics using the Raspberry Pi. But wait, there’s more! Try our new Raspberry Pi WebIDE! The easiest way to learn programming on a Raspberry Pi.
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