Calin Crisan brings us this Raspberry Pi webcam tutorial (in Romanian but easily translated):
With a cheap web camera that connects to USB video streaming can be done in just a few easy steps, with a Raspberry PI . The simplicity of the solution comes from the streaming technology used effectively. Everything happens over HTTP , a protocol ubiquitous and extremely affordable nowadays.
Basically, the Raspberry PI running a mini web server that serves as a video information file M-JPG ( Motion Jpeg , more info here ). In short, an M-JPG is actually a set of images JPG you succeed just like the frames of a movie. The advantage of M-JPG -s is that it does not require plug-ins or browser extensions for rendering. A simple element HTML type IMG , with the desired size and source attribute set to M-JPG ‘s served will be sufficient to render in a web page.
The entire solution is based on the server MJPG-streamer whose page can be found here . The program was written by Tom Stöveken and licensed GPLv2. We have compiled and prepared a version of this program Raspberry PI.
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I just setup my Raspberry Pi as a webcam server using BobTech’s instructions. I’m using the Edimax EW-7811Un USB Adapter and a Creative Live! Cam Chat HD camera.
I used http://raspberrypi:8080/?action=snapshot, so it serves a single image instead of a stream and then I run a script to refresh the page.
Once it was set it up, I run it headless and use puTTY to connect to it.
I’m glad you enjoyed the tutorial.
Help me decide which HD camera to buy.
Please post a link with live stream using a HD camera or at least some snapshots. I want to replace the camera used for this tutorial (Logitech C210), so you can see a better image quality of my aquarium.