How To Start A Hackerspace: Part 2 – A Place To Hack All The Things

Empty Office Building Photo by Tomi Knuutila

Photo by Tomi Knuutila

Now that you have a concrete idea of who your hackers are, you also know what kind of space needs they’ll have. Next, narrow down what will be done in the space. Don’t forget: there’s plenty of room to grow your space to include many different kinds of hackers as your Hackerspace matures (covered in later sections of this “How To“).

Talk to the people you’re starting the space with and make the most detailed list in a shared spreadsheet of what different hackers need to do their hacking (and keep in mind that you’ll probably be adding to this list as you get into your space).

Here’s an example of physical needs you may have on your list:

  • 220 power
  • •Running water
  • •Ventilation
  • •Concrete floor
  • Natural light
  • •Darkroom and darkroom supplies (have your photo hacker make a list)
  • •Air conditioned room for servers
  • •Area for physical hack projects
  • Sound proof room for audio/video recording/editing
  • 24/7 Access
  • Spray paint booth
  • •Place to put a car lift
  • Etc, Etc, Etc…

Once you have your list now you’ll need to go to the next step: How To Start A Hackerspace: Part 3 – A Home For Your Hackerspace Stop back tomorrow!

Also check out the intro and part 1!

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1 Comment

  1. Copypasta:

    For Reference, this is the vaguely current layout of Pumping Station: One, a three year old hackerspace with around 130 members. There are other configurations.

    1) Textiles. Sewing machines, CNC embroidery, big tables for laying out fabric, looms, all sorts of strange fabrics, conductive threads.

    2) Graphics. Paints, silkscreening, tape, easals, a big green screen photobooth thing, spray room, etc.

    3) Electronics. Dear god everything. Logic analysers, power supplies, osciliscopes, component bins, soldering irons, and parts like mad.

    4) Digifab. Lasercutter, 3d printers, CNC everything. Plastic extruder. Vinyl cutter. Probably the coolest "in your face thing."

    5) Wood shop: Tablesaw, chopsaw, bandsaw, drill press, screws, spare wood, router, joiner, planer. Shapoko?

    6) Metal shop: Mill, lathe, bigger drill press. Oil cutter would be nice. Vacuum former. CNC Plasma cutter was mentioned.

    7) Foundry. The forge itself, hammers, all the saftey equipment. The kiln goes here too. Welders are in this area.

    8) Open Science Lab. containment, saftey equipment, chemicals and lab equipment. Probably look at Biocurious for this one, we don’t have one yet but slowly.

    9) IT. Server racks, parts, components, networks.

    10) Hangout. Bar, lounge, couches, beanbags, alcohol, barbot, blacklights.

    Ventalation, power, light and dust/area separation become your big things. Music ends up at nearly every area, plus the extra unique things, like winches and lifts and secret tunnels to the darkness beneath.

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