Jack Minardi’s Raspberry Pi RC car project uses a bunch of great Adafruit products!
I have a raspberry pi project that I think you might find interesting. I built an RC car controlled by a Raspberry Pi.
The car is steered by the accelerometer in my Android phone. I am sending this to Adafruit because I have mostly used parts I purchased from your store. Here is a partial list of what I used from the store:
- 1 x 4 x AA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch[ID:830]
- Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver for DC or Steppers – 600mA – L293D[ID:807]
- Adafruit Pi Cobbler Breakout Kit for Raspberry Pi[ID:914]
He has been posting about this project in a couple of places, looking for feedback and suggestions, including here at Hacker news:
I wrote a simple android app that streams the accelerometer data from the phone to the pi over a simple socket. The pi then uses this data to drive the DC motor and the servo motor. Tilting the phone to control the car feels very natural.
I am using Adafruit Occidental v0.2 as my OS because it has support for my wifi dongle. It also makes some hardware interaction easier and comes pre-installed with some good python libraries.
My next plans are to add some sensors and make it autonomous. (Read more)
And this is from his write up at Reddit:
The raspberry pi has a wifi dongle so it can connect to the same network my phone is on. I run a socket server on the pi written in python. I connect to this server from my phone and stream in the accelerometer data. The pi then uses this data to control a DC motor and a servo motor.
I control the DC motor with a simple software PWM library I wrote in python and I control the servo with a port of the servoblaster kernal module: https://github.com/richardghirst/PiBits (Read more.)
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