Announcing Adafruit Gemma – Miniature wearable electronic platform!

Adafruit 1098
Love Flora but want a bite-sized version? Look no further, Gemma is a tiny wearable platform board with a lot of might in a 1″ diameter package. Powered by a Attiny85 and programmable with an Arduino IDE over USB, you’ll be able to realize any wearable project!

Gemma is still wrapping up development, sign up to get first crack when Gemma is released.

  • Powered by the ATtiny85 with 3 available I/O pins, one of which is also an analog input and two which can do PWM output
  • Progammable over the micro USB connection
  • Onboard 3.3v Regulator and power LED
  • Reset button
  • Works with our Flora NeoPixels (can drive about a dozen – not much RAM!)
  • Super tiny design, only 1″ (25mm) diameter & 4mm thick

Sign up now!

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  1. This would be perfect for the dog collar project I’ve been working on! I’d love to beta test one if you’re looking for some feedback from a customer using it in an actual project.

  2. Will I be able to use the Gemma to drive some of the other LED strips you have? I’m mostly thinking of driving the 12mm Diffused Flat Digital RGB LED Pixels from this, with a belt pack for power.


  3. Lovely! I see tons of fun coming up. What powersource would you use/recommend to power the Gemma?

    (and is the resistor Turing test opensource?)

  4. I don’t have anything to add to this topic. I just wanted to prove that I’m (still) human.

    Well, actually, I looked at the LED string, and yes, you should be able to drive it using this, and have one pin left for input. Code space is pretty limited, though, only about 6K. If you use the analog input pin for the input, you can use a resistor tree to allow for multiple pushbuttons.

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