Raspberry Pi I2S driver: This gets us all sorts of excited about CODEC projects! From philpoole:
This repository contains a very poor quality I2S PCM ALSA driver for Raspberry Pi. It will output 16 bits per sample, 44100Hz stereo I2S to use with a DAC similar to the TDA1541A. If you require different format or frequency then feel free to modify this driver to suit, but I can’t guarantee support.
This is a kernel driver, so in order to build this, you will need to be running a successfully built kernel, for which you have the kernel source code to which this driver can be built against.
To build..
make -C /home/pi/linux M=$PWD(if your linux source tree lives at /home/pi/linux, for instance)
It is a work in progress which I hope to continue in time.
The first version uses an IRQ to keep the PCM FIFO full.
However, there are glitches in the audio due to the sheer mass of interrupts.
I hope to improve that with time by using DMA.Phil.
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