Fablab Tacoma Raspberry Pi 101 #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

RasPi 101 Fablabtacoma

Here’s a blogtip from the Tacoma Hackerspace about a Raspberry Pi class to be taught by Rob Miles in the Tacoma area of Washington state later this month. We were struck by his list at the end of his class description. Sounds like a great class! From Fablab Tacoma:

Rob Miles, the class instructor, is experienced in working with electronics and security and control systems and was the second member of FabLab Tacoma.

After this class, you should be able to take the Raspberry Pi home and effectively tinker with it. Rob will also provide links to tutorials on remote GPIO control, installing a web server and a few other common tasks for those ready to take the plunge….

Notes on the Raspberry pi:

  • If you’ve wanted to dip your toes in the Linux waters this is an great place to start.
  • If you’re interested in computer science, networking, scripting, web servers, web apps this board is for you.
  • Low parts count. You only need the Raspberry Pi board, an SD card and a cheap power supply to build a web enabled project or server. **You probably have an SD card and old cell phone power supply laying around already that will work.
  • The level community support for this board and the available tutorials are amazing. A lot of people have donated alot of their time to make your experience with the board fun.

I have a Raspberry Pi. My friends are jealous. What do I do with it now?

  • Pocket Desktop
  • Electronics Projects
  • The sky is the limit with the on board GPIO
  • Media Server
  • XBMC, Pandora client, etc
  • Web Server
  • Home automation, file sharing, LAMP server, etc, etc, etc….
  • Networking
  • Firewall, wireless access point, penetration testing appliance, etc
  • Data Collection, Process Monitoring (via Cosm)
  • Mobile projects
  • Car, bicycle, snow machine, motorcycle, boat…

Read more.

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit, be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Have you tried the new “Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro” ? It’s our tweaked distribution for teaching electronics using the Raspberry Pi. But wait, there’s more! Try our new Raspberry Pi WebIDE! The easiest way to learn programming on a Raspberry Pi.

We now have Raspberry Pi Model B with 512MB RAM in stock and shipping now!

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