Here’s a report from the first stage of a Pi Balancing Bot project in progress — that looks like it will use lots of great Adafruit gear! From Mark’s space dot com:
This is the first phase on my Balancing Robot project.
Which I think I will call PiBBot. (Pi balancing Bot)
I want to test all the components first before I put them in their final position on the frame for my balancing robot.Hardware list:
- Raspberry Pi rev 2
- Two breadboards
- 1.8″ TFT, connected via SPI
- Three 8×8 led matrix’s connected via I2C
- One MinIMU (Accelerometer, Gyro & Compass) all connected via I2C
- H-Bridge to control the motors
- Temperature sensor connected via I2C
- 315Mhz RF Receiver
- One LED
Software milestones:
- Patched Kernel for SPI driver for the TFT
- Patched Kernel for PWM driver for PIN 18
- Created C program to display text on 8×8 Matrix
I2C devices:
To Do:
- Source a power supply(battery) for the motors and the Raspberry Pi
- Place it all on the final frame
- Create the code for the main program
- Learn C…
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