Beer Maker Builds a Raspberry Pi Tap List for His Home Brews #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


A great story about a hobbyist, a Raspberry Pi, some Linux tutorials, and some … beeeer! From WIRED Design:

The Raspberry Pi has a reputation for being beginner-friendly, but even slightly buzzed hackers have been able use the mini microprocessor to improve their microbrews. Now one tinkerer is using his board, plus a 7-inch Sony touchscreen and a little PHP coding as the perfect high-tech setup for for his home-brew tap list.

Created by a hobbyist beer maker who goes by the name “SchrodingersDrunk,” the setup can give a garage operation the high-end brewpub makeover for about $35. And while the project’s creator wants to keep his identity secret, he has shared the code on GitHub….

While there aren’t many write ups on creating a beer board, the Raspberry Pi that Schrodinger chose as the brain of the project runs Linux, which offered him loads of PHP and Python tutorials as well as a dedicated community that loves debugging offbeat projects. Beyond that, he relied on tenacity and online research. “As a non-coder, non-graphic designer getting a website built that is visually appealing and easy to edit from anywhere was quite the task,” he writes. “Really, my strength lies in having strong ‘Google-fu’ and being able to adapt working snippets of code to my particular needs.”

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