Making a Cooler Business Card

Over at ch00ftech they have a neat way to build a business card.  Open up a simple paint program on your computer, plug in the business card, and watch your logo drawn in real time.

If you’ve been following my blog, you probably read up on my last attempt at creating a cooler business card.  The basic concept was to design a small circuit that when connected to a computer via USB will emulate a mouse and draw out a design.  This utilized the ATTiny85 and VUSB platform which makes writing USB peripherals very easy.

The problem with the original design was that I was controlling the mouse in an open loop manner.  I was telling the mouse cursor which way to go, but I had no way to read back the cursor’s position. I couldn’t account for minor inaccuracies brought about by things like mouse acceleration settings, and the design ended up getting distorted.

After writing that post, I realized that it’s possible to configure a mouse to be an absolute input device.  An absolute input device is something like a graphics tablet where the device selects precisely where the mouse cursor should go.

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