Adding Aftertouch and Portamento to a Korg Polysix

Excellent Polysix mod by Chip adds aftertouch and portamento:

This last week has been an exciting time for my pursuit of adding aftertouch to my Korg Polysix. As you know by now, I *really* want aftertouch vibrato on my Polysix…so a while back, I ordered a bunch of parts and dived in. I’ve been posting about my progress. In my last post, I described the electronics elements that I used to implement the arbitrary pitch bending that would allow for my aftertouch-driven vibrato. As a bonus, having arbitrary pitch control also enabled me to add portamento to my Polysix, which is another effect that I absolutely love. So, without further ado, now that I’ve put her back together, here’s my first demo of what she can do…

More info and photographs here!

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