WIF: the WyoLum Image Format for Adafruit eInk Development Boards


Introducing WIF: the WyoLum Image Format

I love the new e-paper offered by Pervasive Displays and sold by Adafruit.  They are a bit tricky to get started with however.  By default, they only display images, no text or standard graphics calls like “line” and “circle” and each image takes a lot of memory.  Too much for a stand alone Arduino UNO.

Even if you have the memory, another tricky thing about them is getting an image to look good in pure black and white (no greys).

At WyoLum, we have tackled all of these problems and figured out how to display UNICODE chars, and draw graphics (lines and circles).  We’ve chosen to use an SD card as both a file source and a screen buffer.  It is working well.  Most of this is just in test code state, but we figure there are others out there struggling with the same issues and might find our solutions handy.


Ever since the Kindle eReader came out, we’ve been wanting a nice small graphical eInk display that is easy to use with a microcontroller. And finally our desires have been fulfilled with the rePaper 2.7″ development board from Pervasive Displays! We’re excited to offer this very interesting display breakout for hackers who want to start playing with small eInk displays.

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1 Comment

  1. Could we get a picture of this board next to the BeagleBone Black?

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