The talented MakerBot Design Team staff Matt Kroner (behind the MakerBot Watch and Mixtape), Christopher Boynton (co-creator of the ingenious MakerBot Store Marble Run), and Jason Bakutis (both jeweler and sculptor) received a great complement for their hard work when their recent pieces were added into the MOMA Design Store along with a special edition MakerBot Replicator 2 as a part of the store’s Destination:NYC collection.
As you navigate the Destination:NYC collection, check out great video profiles featuring designers and firms for other products such as Worksman Bicycle and Svetlana Briscella and John Briscella of Aminimal Studio.
From the MakerBot Blog:
We’re proud to announce that some 3D-printed pieces from the MakerBot Design Team have been chosen for a special collection at the MoMA Design Store called Destination: NYC — Made in the USA. For those who don’t know, MoMA is the Museum of Modern Art here in New York. The organization has been shining a light on local designers in cities around the world in its Destination: Design series.
Sometimes pieces in the series become top selling items at MoMA Design Stores. At MakerBot, we hope the innovative artists and designers who see our items will be inspired to use 3D printing in their own work. Here’s the set of items all together, including a customized MakerBot Mix Tape and MakerBot Watch designed just for MoMA, along with a bunch of pieces reflecting iconic places and objects in NYC.
Get your hands on these now! The whole Destination: NYC series, including pieces from other amazing local designers, is available from now through August only at MoMA Store locations in New York and Tokyo, as well as online at,, and