Dancing Lego and Five Servos #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Pierre Villeneuve shares a great Raspberry Pi powered Lego project:

I have always wanted to control something interesting involving little servo motors. That’s somewhat of an ill-defined dream, isn’t it? But it has all been made possible by using my handy dandy Raspberry Pi computer. I spent quite a bit of time this past year on another project that involved reading signals from almost a dozen temperature-humidity sensors and reporting status details to a remote web server. That project is now unfortunately stuck on the backburner, but at least it got me started doing interesting things with my Raspberry Pi.

In this post I report on my current side project, which involves my Raspberry Pi, five servos, my son’s Lego blocks, and synchronized groovy music. Let’s get right to it: the final result is a video hosted on my YouTube channel. I recommend watching it full screen on a device with decent speakers. Enjoy!

Check out the full blog post here!

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