RaspberryPi Powered Car-PC Nav System #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Rpi replaces volvo nav

What good are your fancy build-in automotive media accessories if no one delivers the content you need for yours! This project takes this challenge on — reclaiming the car LCD display and building the system he needs on a RasPi. This project has several updates under its belt, so take a look at the hardware and software dev posts for this project elsewhere on the site!

From RPI carpc, via HackADay:


Some time ago, I got myself a Raspberry Pi. Initially it was supposed to replace my home-theater PC but I found it’s too slow. So, I had a problem- what to do with such a nitty device of Pi.

This was not the only problem I had- my old Volvo has built in navigation system, with motorised LCD and neat keys on steering wheel. The problem, you may ask? Volvo stopped doing new maps for it 5 years ago. Heck, just use the old maps! You see, I live in Latvia and as you could have guessed- there are no maps available in the country I live in.


I am currently building a navigation system to replace original navigation system. As a bonus feature, I’d like to hook into car’s audio system- the original head-unit only has CD and casette trays and no aux input. Since no one burns CD’s these days I am aiming to use Raspberry Pi for audio as well.

The display itself is a 6.5″ TFT LCD screen with (admittedly, quite low) resolution of 400×234. My thinking goes- if it’s good enough for factory navigation, it will be good enough for me….

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Volvo rti display

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